13 ☑️

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I am here for two weeks already. I was called here, but she's not here. I am waiting for her every day, I went to look for her one day, but she's not here at all. She just lured me in and now I'm stuck here. I can't get out without her and if she's really here, then she can't get out without me.

We made this, so we can be alone. Time goes differently and nobody can make it in or get one of us out. If I am here and she's not, I can't get out and vice versa. I wish, I'd know, what is going on. I want to let others know, that I'm okay or talk to Linny here, so we can talk things out before she will do something, she might regret in the future.


I got stuck in the middle. I need Bryce to help me somewhere, either in or out. I heard he's already there, meaning we're probably both stuck right there... or? I can say the code, we have made to get each other in and out. I just wish, I knew how I said all those things before.

I know, I can try, but I don't know if it works. "R-" okay, that clearly didn't work. "Red-" almost there. "Reditus*." let's see, whether it will work.

(*return/come back/get out - in Latin)

I heard loud, long, and deep breaths, then coughing. After a minute, maybe a little more I was back in the real world. "Why did you call me in?" I jumped on him, hugging him tightly.

"I was stuck, I'm so sorry." I cried to his shoulder. He pulled me closer, letting me cry.

"I knew, you wouldn't let me be stuck in there without anything. Shhh, I'm here and everything is okay now." His warm hand circled on my back. "Do you need anything?"

"I need you back." I mumbled, starting to shake from all the memories from that place I was stuck in. "But if you stay here, for now, it will be enough." I tried to relax.

"I should go tell them, we're okay."

"Soon, just until I stop shaking. I have never been through anything so scary." I cried over all those moments in there. "I was all alone and I can't get it out of my head." I looked at him.

"You are back now and I won't ever let you go there again." He took my shaking hands in his warm ones. "I'm the one, who should be sorry. I lied to you because I wanted to keep you safe. I made the wrong choice." He looked down, not letting me see his eyes.

"You brought me back and anything, you did, was thought before it was done. I know your intentions were different and I can't blame you for this." I hugged him again. "If you don't lie to me, then everything is good again."

"I should probably start with one oblivious lie, I told you recently." We let go of each other and looked deep into each other's eyes. I tried to read his face, but it was never easy for me, I never knew how to read anyone's face.

"You mean the thing, where you told me, you love Helen or something like that?" he nodded and took my hands in his.

"I should've told you right away." He took a deep breath, "I... I love you, Linny. I was so scared I would hurt you if I admitted it that I didn't realize how much I could hurt you just by saying that." He looked down at his feet.

"I won't say, it's okay, because lying to the one, who you love, is not okay at all. But I can't blame you." He nodded. He knew, he messed up really bad. "Hey, look at me." I pulled his face up.

"I'm so so so sorry." A tear slid down his face, falling down on my hands. "I want to take it back, but I can't." More tears fell from his eyes.

"I know you do, but things happen for some reasons and I hope, these reasons are good for us. It's not your fault. You wanted everything to be good again, but you made a small miscalculation. Nobody will punish you for that." I stroke his cheeks.

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