30 ☑️

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Kimy looked at her father and her eyes begged for the news. She felt like she was going to get answers she was looking for all the time ever since Jessie told her that he's not Bryce, that he took over the body because Bryce gave up. She felt like she was about to learn the one detail that would show her the whole picture that she could use to make Helen believe her and therefore Jessie as well.

John sighed and looked down. "You were supposed to be our third kid, but something went wrong. Bryce was supposed to have twin, but something went sideways. Doctors said that he kind of consumed his twin." John sighed as he remembered that moment the doctor told them.

Kimy started thinking. Few days earlier, she was looking through some articles about multiple personalities and one of the things they talked about was when only one of twins survives all 8-9 months of mother's pregnancy.

She looked at the picture. "Did you settle on any names for both kids?"

John sighed. "Well it was little too soon for us to know what gender they will be, so we had no idea who to expect, so we were thinking about all the names we would like for our kids. If one of the twins was a girl, she would be Kimberly and if both of them were boys, one would be Bryce and the other would be Airius." John looked at his daughter. "Why do you ask?"

Kimy went to her desk and took her notebook where she wrote all her notes. "By the way why such names?" She asked as she went back to the bed.

"Well Bryce is after your uncle, that died long time before any of you were even given a thought. To the other name, your mom agreed to let me choose and I chose that one because of the meaning and I quite liked the ring of it back then." John said and scratched back of his neck. "Those wild years." He sighed.

Kimy turned few pages and then one more so she could read again about what she learnt over the internet and some books. "Okay, so to answer your question, since Jessie told me he's not Bryce, I started digging some information about his- their- ugh the condition that Bryce failed to mention before. One of the causes for it is when only one of the twins survives the time in their mother's womb." She pointed to the part of the text where it was mention. "It usually takes something from the mother - some part of her health, more common is mental health."

"Cinzia started with this weirder behavior around the time of that pregnancy, I just never realized it." John scratched his beard. He looked at the notebook.

Kimy turned few pages to look for some other thing she thought could be a cause. "I also found this..." She said as she was looking through the pages. After few minutes she found it. "This says that it's possible for a person, usually a child, to develop second personality - sometimes even more - when they live in stressful environment. I mean, Bryce was bullied ever since I can remember, plus he was taking care of me my whole life - if that isn't stressful environment, then nothing is." She pointed out something that got John thinking about a lot of things.

He took her book and started reading. "Bryce taught you how to write, didn't he?" He smiled sadly.

Kimy chuckled. "Yeah. It was before I went to school. He told me that every artist has their signature on their art and that I am an artist. That was a mistake, because after that I kept asking him to teach me how to write so I can put my signature on all my drawings. That's when we learnt what it means stubborn sibling." She laughed. "Every hour for a month and eventually I drew something "so beautiful that I had to have my signature on it" as he said, but in reality it was just him sleeping and drooling on his pillow. I had such good laugh when he woke up. He jumped up because he put his cheek into all the drool." She laughed little harder. "Do you think he still remembers it? Bryce I mean, not Jessie."

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