24 ☑️

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Helen was cooking lunch. She was alone in the kitchen. Jessica was at work and John was doing his best to get back his life - name, job and everything that came along with it. Kimy was in living room pretending to watch TV. Since the evening they didn't talk. It felt awkward.

Just angry knocking on the front door brought back from her thoughts. "Who in hell?" she stood up and went to the door. She opened the door and looked at the visitor. "Oh hey there. What brings you here?"

"I came to see Linny. Last time I checked she was here almost all the time," the answer made Kimy laugh.

She leaned her head against the door and looked in front of herself. "Well I have to say that you missed a lot. We stopped talking since she stabbed Jessie with piece of vase. Meaning you're not at the right door." She would've closed the door, but she knew better than that. She knew that her mother was going to say something she never cared about.

"So you saw your brother. How could you let him leave?" her mother asked in disbelief.

"That person/monster wasn't my brother. My brother loves Linny, protects me and he would never hurt anyone. From what I know, Jessie hurt a lot of people. Don't ever talk about him and Bryce as the same person," she said. Her voice was filling with indicators of anger. She took deep breath and relaxed.

"Hey, everything's okay?" Helen came to look at the visitor. "Oh, hello there," shock was quite audible. "I didn't expect you to be here. What brings you here?"

Kimy sighed. "She's looking for Linny."

"How about you go relax and I handle this?" Helen smiled and petted Kimy's back.

"Wait, what exactly is between you two?" Cinzia squeaked and glared at Helen. "Isn't it enough that your mother took my son, you have to turn my daughter into some freak?" As answer she got door nearly breaking her nose.

Kimy stood away from the door with tears threatening. She turned around and ran to old Bryce's room. Helen opened the door and pulled Kimy's mother inside. "Listen to me. Your daughter is no freak. She never was and never will be. I understand that you are just like many other people in your age, but don't torture your daughter for something she didn't do and who she never was. She deserves better, just like Bryce did. You didn't give it to him and he left you. Do you want your daughter to do the same?"

"It's not normal. It's making me sick," Cinzia said. Disgust in her voice was anything but likable.

"I don't see why you keep pushing your family away and then blame everyone around, but it's destroying everything. Now leave and if you ever speak like that about Kimy, I may as well call Libby to tell Jessie about you. I believe this one time, he will gladly do what I'll ask for," Helen said and pushed Cinzia out of the house.

She was quite pissed off. On one side she wanted to call Libby, on the other she wanted to give Cinzia one more chance before she would throw her over the board. The more evil side win and she took out her phone. "Are you going to call Libby?" little girl's voice resonated through the room.

"I'm really thinking about it. I don't want her to talk about you like that. They should explain it to her, because she didn't seem to understand what I just told her," Helen looked at girl with red eyes and white face.

"Can't I do the same as Bryce did? Just leave her in dust." Kimy walked by Helen and spread on top of couch. "It hurts, you know. My own mother says such a thing about me and won't even look at everything. We aren't dating, she thinks we are and I come out of it as freak."

"You're no freak. I explained it to her and I will explain it to you too. She's pushing you away because she's just like many people her age. They see two people of the same gender being nice to one another and they immediately assume that they're gay. Not true," Helen knelt down by the couch right by Kimy.

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