3 - Jessie

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Linny woke up just like every other day, but the thing that bothered her that it was Saturday and she wanted to sleep longer. She felt tired, but she didn't have much of a choice. Once she woke up, she couldn't fall asleep again. She decided that if she can't sleep, she's going to destroy Kimy's sleep too. She walked to room across from hers and jumped on the bed. "Whether you sleep or not, wake up. I'm bored and I can't sleep."

"And what am I supposed to do with it? Do I look like fairy-tale or lullaby to you?" Kimy snorted and turned her back to Linny. Linny's movement and talking woke Kimy enough to not let her sleep again. "Ugh. Now I can sleep either. Why can't you drink warm milk with honey and sleep again?"

"Because. Don't be so mean and get up, I'm bored," Linny whined and shook the other girl. Kimy hid her face in her pillow. "Come on," Linny pulled her higher.

"You-" she was stopped by her phone ringing. "Oh, it's Helen. That's unexpected," she said, before she slid her finger across her display. "Hey, is everything okay?"

"Yes, well no... I don't know if it's good. Well, Libby just got call from her mother, that some Jessie is coming over and I was told to call you two here," both Kimy and Linny were too "out" by that statement. "Hello? Are you still there?" Helen asked after she got no answer.

Kimy zooned back. "Yes, sorry. I just don't know what to say. When should we be there? I mean, we can come already, but if you don't want us there yet, then we can come later," Linny rolled her eyes at the thought of going to Helen and Libby. "Is your mom there too?"

Helen answered quickly after: "Not yet. She'll be home in half an hour. She had night shift so we didn't want to call her and stress her. Feel free to come whenever you want. You're always welcome and no they did not tell us when they will come." Kimy stood up and pulled annoyed Linny up along with her.

"We'll be there as soon as we can, bye," she put her phone away after simple bye from both girls. "Okay, let's do this."

"What am I supposed to do? It's not like I'm excited to see them," Linny snorted. Kimy pushed her up, after she sat back down. "Kimy, why are you doing this to me?"

"Oh come on, don't be so bitchy. Be happy. Maybe you will meet cute boy named Jessie and he will be your next Bryce. If anything, I'm the one that should be bitchy, I lost my brother because of me being stupidly blind," Kimy pulled Linny back to the room across from hers and threw few things at her face.

"And why in hell would I want to meet any Jessie? It's not like I want to date anyone right now," Linny laid back on her bed.

Kimy rolled her eyes. "Oh come on. You wanted to do something, then we got invited by our friends, so let's do it," Linny snorted back at Kimy as an answer to her idea. "Come on, Linny. I don't want to go alone, what if someone will try to hurt me and you won't be there like my sister?"

"Jesus, fine. But only because I want to take care of you," Linny stood up and started changing her clothes. Kimy cheered and went to get ready as well. Ten minutes later they were both ready, meeting at the front door. "I'm glad, I didn't have to go to you push you to actually do what you said," Kimy smiled.

Linny rolled her eyes. "It's not like you'd be mad at me anyways. You would just snort and do it all for me," Kimy punched her arm playfully. "What? You want to tell me that I'm wrong?"

"Bryce told me that I shouldn't lie to you," Kimy giggled and pulled Linny out of the house. "Come with me, my guard," they laughed shortly. Their walk maybe lasted half an hour, but for them it went by quickly.

As Kimy knocked on door of Mills' house, black sedan turned to their side of street. As they walked in and closed the door, car stopped in front of the house. Driver stepped out and walked to door for his bosses. He held out his hand to help her step out of the vehicle. "Thank you, Adam. You have some free time, let's say an hour. I will call you, once you're needed to get back here," Jessie smiles at his driver. "Buy yourself whatever you want," he handed him hundred-dollar bill.

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