15 ☑️

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It's not surprising, that they both were crying. It's not surprising, that he went after her. What is surprising? That she wasn't home when he came.

"George, where's my sister?" Bryce walked up to the bodyguard.

"I don't know, she didn't come back yet." That was the worst thing he could hear.

"Oh god, where did you go, Kimy?" he quickly went out and started looking everywhere around he could. He was running around, but she was nowhere to be seen. It was near midnight, but he didn't stop. He looked around every house on every street, but she wasn't there. He ran back to Almon's mansion, straight to her room.

He hoped for her to be there, but no. "She still didn't come."

"I can see that, but I don't know, where else she can be." He fell to the floor. "I looked everywhere, but she's nowhere. What should I do, George? My baby sister got lost and I can't find her."

"That might be because you never knew where to look. You do everything so quickly and that means many things are left unnoticed." George said with a sigh.

While Bryce was having panic attacks, his sister was walking near the river. She wanted to be alone and she knew, how to make it real. Her thoughts needed to take their place and settle down. Her brother always knew, how to make a mess in her thoughts and today it was a very big mess. She came to a little bridge and sat down, letting the river calm her down and thoughts to find their place.

"Hey there, baby doll." Somebody came up to her.

"Shhh, you'll wake up the dragon." She pointed randomly. "Her babies are hungry and she wouldn't hesitate for a second." Guy walked away and she giggled to herself. Mother dragon always works. She spent there few hours that were the worst for Bryce. His little angel was alone somewhere and he didn't know where, so he couldn't protect her. The sun was starting to rise when he finally found her on that bridge.

"Oh god, Kimy." He hugged her tightly. "Don't scare me like this ever again."

"Don't mess with my thoughts. You make me do this. You always put one thought in my head and it makes a big mess there." She hugged him back. "Your heart will jump out of your chest, calm down."

"You scared me, pumpkin. I was looking for you for hours. I thought, I lost you." He squeezed her closer to him. "I didn't know, where to look anymore."

"I would come back soon. I just needed to clear my head. Am I that nice to her?" she looked at her brother.

"Well nicer than to Linny, but not nice enough. I know, you want me to be safe and it's easier, if I don't put my faith in her yet, but I want you to give her just one chance, please. Is it too much to ask for?" she sighed.

"Why does it matter so much to you?" he sat down next to her.

"Because she's my new family member and because I saw, how good a relationship, there could be good sister love between you two." He knew that if he said, what he really thought, she would just get angry at him for saying stuff like that.

"But I don't want a sister. I want my brother, dad, and soon-to-be sister-in-law. Nothing more." She whined. "I don't want to dishonor her, but she doesn't belong to Jenn's family, so I don't feel like I should somehow take her closer or something."

"She might not belong to Jenns, but I belong to Mills family too. When mom started to take care of me as much, as she does now, what is almost all the time, she took me to her family. So please don't dispraise her." They looked at each other. "Oh, we should go home, dad will get scared that both of his kids aren't there."

"Okay. I'll think about the other thing. But only because you won't let it pass." She smiled at her brother and they both stood up and started walking back to Mills' house.

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