28 ☑️

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This is going to be little throwback


Kimy was sitting in her new bed, drawing ornaments into her old notebook that Bryce got her when she was 7. She could still remember why he got it for her...

Bryce went too mister Satori's café for his tea and hot chocolate for his baby sister. She was waiting for him in his room. For once their parents weren't arguing about anything, therefore she wasn't crying. All she was could be said with just one word - bored. She decided that she would do something. She always loved drawing, so she took the first paper she found and few crayons and got to work.

By the time her brother got back she was done. She drew beautiful hills with two little figures. She didn't have nice handwriting, but she had talent for drawing. She had touch with just enough power and pressure to draw better than many people ten years older than her age (referring to the author for example). Bryce always told her how jealous he was of that talent of hers. She knew that he wasn't that bad himself, but he didn't have the right touch, not like her.

When he got to his room, his face went white - she drew over his project he was supposed to present the next day. He didn't blame her though. He wasn't happy, but he knew that he should have expected it. He knew how much she loved drawing and he didn't leave any other paper for her to use.

He sighed and took the paper. "You're lucky that you're so talented or you would be in big trouble. What am I going to do with you? I should get you some sketchbook or something. Now drink before it gets too cold, I have some work to do." He looked around and went to his table. He opened one of the drawers and took out an empty book. "Here take this until I will get you something else. I will keep this as reminder of your talent." He smiled and handed her the book.

She gladly took it and started drawing again. "Thank you, Brycie." Her voice was full of love.

*Few days later*

They were on their way home from school, when Bryce pulled her for little detour. He took her to little shop and let her pick a notebook she wanted. He knew better than choosing for her. She looked around for few minutes and then chose notebook nobody would expect.

It was thick - like expected - but there was nothing on the cover. Just white cover with three lines for the name of the owner. It put happy sparkles into Kimy's eyes and that was what Bryce needed to see to be assured that it was the right one. It cost him all the money he had saved, but to him it was worth it.

He was glad that she had her own sketchbook. She could draw whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. He wanted to be able to look into the book once in the future and see the evolution that his sister went through as the time went.

Once they got home he went to his room to do his homework and she went to put her things to her room. She came back to his room with her new sketchbook, took his pencil and started drawing. She didn't even realize how fast the time by her went.

After few hours John came to call the siblings to the kitchen to get their dinner. "Kimy, go wash your hands and come to get your dinner. Bryce, can you go with her? Just to be sure she will wash her hands properly."

Bryce nodded, but Kimy ignored them as she was deep in her thoughts, drawing. The big brother gently touched Kimy's shoulder. "Cuddle bear, it's time to come back to your brother." He said with audible smile.

He laid his hand on her back gently. She raised her head and looked around. "Huh? Did I miss something?" She asked.

Bryce smiled and pulled her to his chest to give her a warm hug. "Nothing. Come on dinner is ready so we have to wash hands." She nodded and followed him to the bathroom and then to the kitchen. "How's the drawing? After all this time of drawing on my school projects you have your own sketchbook." He asked as they went to the table.

"It's good. I like the book." She smiled back at him. She loved it and she was thankful that he bought it for her.

He kissed her head. "I'm really glad. This way you'll have all your drawings in one place and some day in the future you can look at it." He pinched her nose and they started eating.

Just like any other time they ate it silently and then left without any word. Bryce was still angry with their parents because of the argument they had few days earlier. Kimy of course thought about what to draw and where.

She touched one of the pictures that she drew and smiled. She missed those days. Everything seemed better, easier. She decided to go through the rest of the drawing to see if she still remembered them all. She got through 7 of them when she noticed that she turned two pages instead of one and when she look at the second drawing her eyes widened and her skin when as white as it could.

She was sure that she didn't draw that one. She looked on the other side and looked at the time, date, name and saw her brother's signature. He drew it few weeks before she found out that he and Linny were dating. (A/N: If I could draw I would, but I am literal anti-talent in this stuff.) It was a face that looked a bit similar to his. But as if the two sides didn't fit. One was smiling nicely - just like her brother used to - while the other had smirk just like Jessie pulled at her back when she was dating that little mistake.

She stood up and walked out of her new room. She wanted to talk to her dad about it. But soon after she learnt that he wasn't there and she had to wait for him.


Hello there, thanks for reading yet another chapter of (Never) Leaving You. Let me know what you thought of this chapter in the comments down below (or if I should include/exclude some character) and if you liked it pretty please give it a vote/like <3

- Alex
30.10. 2020 12:24am

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