Chapter 12

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"Come on Olive, let's go," Luke says and wraps his arm around her shoulders.

I look up at her in pain and she frowns before letting Luke pull her away. I try to sit up to stop her but pain shoots through my whole body and I fall back and watch her leave, without turning back.

"Wake up Axton, you're going to be late!"

I sit up in my bed when I hear my mom's voice and turn to look at my alarm clock. 7:30 a.m.

"Oh sh...." I mumble and throw my covers off and run to my closet. I run a hand through my hair and notice that I'm sweating.

"What was that dream about...?"

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and take off my shirt to slip on a white t-shirt and my black and white flannel. I grab my pair of blue jeans and slip them on before grabbing a pair of socks and running to my bathroom.

I brush my teeth and put on my glasses before brushing hair lazily and running down the stairs. My mom is standing at the bottom with my bag and an apple.

"Well, that was fast," she comments and I half smile and slip on my socks and white converse.

"I forgot to set my alarm," I state and she sets down my stuff and leans in close to my face. I lean away slightly and she reaches out and touches my forehead.

"Are you feeling alright? Your face is pale and you feel warm," she says in a worried voice. I grab her hand and smile.

"I feel fine. I probably just need to eat and calm down." I grab my bag and the apple before heading to the door.

"Okay... if you feel sick just go to the nurse," she calls out and I blow her a kiss before walking out. I turn and see Jason walking up the steps.

"Dude! Took you long enough," he grumbles and grabs my arm. I let him drag me to his truck and I see Sarah wave from the back seat.

"Sorry. Woke up late," I say and check the time on my phone. 7:41 a.m.

"Whatever just get in," Jason says and we both climb in and he drives off.

"Rough night or something?" Sarah asks and I shake my head while checking my hair in the mirror. I run my hand through it and lay my head back on the headrest.

"Just forgot to set my alarm I guess," I say and see her looking at me through the mirror.

"You okay?" She asks and I turn and give her a weird look.

"Yeah.... are you?" I ask and take a bite of my apple.

"Oh, I'm fine. You just look... pale," she points out and I roll my eyes.

"I was just in a rush this morning. I'm fine," I state and push up my sleeves.

"Are you hot?" Jason asks and I notice how warm I feel.

"Uh kind of," I mumble and he turns the heat down slightly.

"Ax. I think you're sick," Sarah says, leaning in her seat to try and reach for my forehead.

"I feel fine. Don't worry." I laugh and push her hand away softly. I hear her sigh and unbuckle.

"Let me feel your head," she demands as she reaches out again. I turn in my seat and lean back so she can't reach my face.

"Dude, I'm fine. Trust me."

"Axton. Your face is white while your nose is red, you're rolling up your sleeves and it's 45 to 50 degrees out, and it looks like you're starting to sweat," she says and I put my hand on the back of my neck and feel a light sweat forming.

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