{9} Home At Last

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After the little talk with Kiri-kun, my brain's been all jumbled up. The way he looked at me when I said I had saved him. The way his muscular arms wrapped around my body.

Ugh! What is he doing to me?! I just barley met him and I don't even know his first name!!

Setting my backpack down next to my desk I flop on my bed, face first. "Uuuugh."

"(Y/N)?" I hear Yagi ask beyond my door. "Can I come in?"

"Sure." I respond, muffled by my pillow that I was crushing in between my arms. Hearing the door creak open, I look up and see a worried expression plastered on his face. "Are you okay? How was your first day at U.A?"

Rolling over onto my back, I sit up and face him.

"Oh, it was fantastic! I wanted to be in 1-A but nooo, I got stuck with 1-B. Then, I bumped into someone and had everything I had fly all over the fricken place! Guess what? The person that I bummed into was also the person that I saved at the entrance exams!"

I almost screamed, causing him to jump a little. He comes over and sits next to me on my bed, putting a had on my shoulder.

"Anything else?"

"Because of him, I choked on my rice at lunch and he is making my emotions all wack." I sigh and flop back down on by bed. "Well, looks like you need some time alone." Yagi giggles, getting up from my bed. Without thinking, I jolt up and grab his wrist. "(Y/n)?"

"Don't leave.. Please."

"I won't. I promise." He says, coming back over and sitting down again. I grab my covers and pull them over me, getting comfortable. "I will always be by your side, whenever you need me to."

Feeling fatigue come out, I slowly close my eyes, feeling something I haven't for a while. "Thank you. Toshinari. For. Everything."

This feeling of being safe.


Having it be a few days after my first day at U.A, I'd say things have been going pretty well. The homework as been fairly easy. I've learned some new things about me and my quirk that I thought weren't possible in this short amount of time. And oh, I've made a few new friends as well.


Word count: 379

Right Here, Right Now ~Kirishima Eijirou X Reader~Where stories live. Discover now