{13} My Quirk.?

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"So.. As I just told you, my quirk is 'Insight'. I don't really have a reason as to why I thought of that, it's just something that came into mind." I start, holding the side of my arm, rubbing it a bit.

"That's one hell of a name!" He speaks up, planting his hands on the table ushering me to go on. "Well, um. How do I start?."

"To put it short, I can look into someone's eyes, cause them to see their darkest 'nightmare' and have them keel over from pure fear.."


"Some people have said that it was a quirk good for a villain to have." I look down at my dress, fixes any ruffles that might have places themselves on it. The anticipation of his reaction was growing and making me uncomfortable. I'd much rather wear sweats and a hoodie right now.

I bring my hand up and place it on my forehead, dragging my fingers through my hair. I cast my gaze to Kirishima and see a face I never thought I would. He's smiling.

"That.. Is freakin' amazing!" He almost shouts, causing a few bystanders in the shop to glance our way.

"R-really?" I question, feeling the heat rise up my neck and across my face.

"Yeah! So what if people say it's a quirk for villains! It can be so useful fighting against them that they won't even know what hit them!"

"Haha, yeah. " As a bead of sweat rolls down my forehead, I quickly wipe it away, giving a nervous giggle afterwords.

"But how does it work?"

"Oh um, I have the ability to look past the cornea of the victims eye, past the lens and vitreous body, hitting the optic disc and continuing on through the optic nerve. The optic nerve by passes the lateral geniculate nucleus thalamus and goes to the visual cortex located at the back of the brain. The cortex is responsible for the content of dreams, like seeing faces from friends or running away from monsters."

Pausing for a moment, I take a sip from my drink and place it back down, looking at the redhead in front of me.

"Uh. That's a lot. " He says, blinking a few times before closing is agape mouth.

"I-Im sorry. I'll stop now." I shrink, looking down at the ground

"No no, it's fine, keep going."

"O-okay... Uh, most dreams occur during REM, or rapid eye movement sleep, which is like a sleep-wake cycle caused by circuits that run from it to through the thalamus and into the cortex. Now, what causes these dreams are something else. Based on emotion actually. I was just saying how it works. Within the person, I can heighten the stress or anxiety and cause them to go into like a state of fear but, with the eyelids still open."

Stopping, I give him a soft smile, placing my hands between my thighs, waiting for a reaction.

"Damn." Was all he said, but little did I know, what he was thinking was something much more.


"I had so much fun tonight!" Kiri says as we walk down the sidewalk, street lamps lighting our way.

"I did too! Maybe we could do it again sometime?" I ask, looking to my left, up into his crimson irises.

"Yeah. Let's make it a date next time." He glances at me, giving me a wink. He chuckles upon seeing my face turn almost as red as his hair. "Y-yeah."

After that, we continued to walk in silence, a comfortable silence at most. Seeing my apartment in the distance, I quicken my pace, not realizing I was dragging him behind. "Hey, wait up!" He calls, jogging and ending up by my side.

"Ah sorry, I just really want to go home. I mean, not to get away from you or anything. Just, want to be home." I mumble, trying not to sound selfish.

"It's fine, we're here anyway, right?" he places his hands in his pockets, looking up at the building.

"Yeah, thank you for walking me home." I turn to him, looking at his black and dark purple zebra shirt. "Anytime."

"How are you getting home?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Oh, my mom should be here in a few. I texted her where I'd be dropping you off."

"Oh, okay. Wait, so your mom knows where I live now?" I ask, a wave of panic going through me.

"Nah, just the street name."



Seeing a black car pull up, I start backing away, down the little stoned path and stop in front of my door.

"Well, it was nice being with you!" I call out, waving a hand while turning the doorknob behind with the other.

"Oh, yeah, I had fun being with you too!" He calls back, giving me the same gesture.

Slipping in through the door, I close it and rush to the window, moving the curtains a bit, peeking through. I watch as he gets into the car and drives of.

"How was your date?" Toshi comes up behind me and places a hand on my shoulder, startling me.


Word Count: 855

Gahh, I am so sorry that I haven't been updating. Lucky for you though, summer is here and hopefully more updates! This chapter took me a little while because I had to do research on reader-chans quirk and some other little details but, thank you for your patience and all the feedback I've been getting. It really means a lot.

Here, have Kiri punchin you over, and over, and over, and over

Here, have Kiri punchin you over, and over, and over, and over

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