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Thomas gazed up at the huge furniture store before them. It was a sleek, grey building, lit with artificial, blindingly blue strip lights. The word 'WCKD' was pasted on huge letters above the door. Thomas gulped. Getting into the parking lot had been a trial in itself, he couldn't imagine how much of a maze it would be inside. He glanced toward his partner and his colleagues, who glanced back at him.

"Shall we?" Minho smirked, Thomas grinning as he noticed the spark of excitement in the man's eyes.

"Yes, let's."

The four headed toward the building, falling into step. Thomas followed the three into the building. Inside, it was slick. Almost too slick. It reminded Thomas of a hospital, or a lab more than a furniture store. It smelt that way too. People bustled around, parents with checklists dragging unhappy teenagers behind them, a group of girls, clearly shopping for their dorm at college, watching Minho, Newt and Thomas intently before bursting into giggles and hurrying off. There were escalators leading up to where the furniture was, and the information centre was next to it. Minho marched up to the formal lady sitting inside, glasses perched on her sharp nose, judgmental eyes peering down at the group of young adults.

"Can I help?" She snapped, a little too aggressively.

'If she's supposed to be the friendly person you see on your way in, I can't imagine what the others are like." Thomas muttered in the blond who was stood next to him's ear, making him snort. Minho shot the two a 'shut your mouths' look as Brenda said formally,

"We're looking for your manager."

"He doesn't deal with customers." she snapped back, voice nasally and gritty with annoyance, shooting Thomas and Newt a glare. Newt had buried his face into Thomas's shoulder to stifle his giggles, Thomas putting a hand over the blonds mouth and shushing him.

"We're not customers." Minho showed her his badge. "We'd like to see your manager please." he repeated sternly. The woman pursed her lips and leant over into the intercom, locking eyes with Minho as she did so.

"Director Janson to the information desk please, I repeat, Director Janson to the information desk." she took her spindly finger away from the com, sitting back in her chair.

"He'll be here soon." She watched the four over her glasses. "You are all very young to be detectives. And you clearly aren't the most mature of people." she shot a look at Newt, who had managed to recompose himself.

"We're not that young." Brenda shrugged back, "and not all of us are as immature as Isaac shucking Newton here." she frowned at the brit, who stuck his tongue out at her.

"How old are you?" She asked.

"Old enough." Thomas replied curtly, a man catching his attention. He strode toward them, greying hair pushed back against his head. He had wrinkles around his mouth and eyes, signifying he smiled a little too often, but his eyes displayed to Thomas that his smiles were never sincere. His eyes were greying too, a darkness to them that Thomas couldn't figure out, but sent chills down his spine. If this man smiled, he'd look way too intimidating and manipulative than Thomas cared for. His pinched face reminded Thomas of a rodent, and after a little consideration, he decided a rat best suited him.

"Director Janson, these kids are from the detective branch. They wanted to see you." The woman informed him curtly, curiosity and suspicion lacing her voice.

"Thank you Julie. Would you like to come into my office?" His voice reminded Thomas of a rat too, annoying and quick, like it scurried.

"No thank you. We have a search warrant, so we'll just be doing a search around your building." Newt said professionally, making an effort to make a formal impression on Janson, seeing as his introduction with Julie hadn't gone that well. Janson's eyes flashed withs something quick, before falling back into their steely, intimidating gaze.

"And can I see this search warrant?" He asked. Thomas unzipped Minho's bag in front of him, producing the paper and handing it to the director. He looked it over carefully, lips pressed together in a thin frown. "Well then." he passed the paper back, and Thomas stuffed it into the asians bag. "If you need anything from me, I'll be in my office." He turned sharply on his heel and strode away, the four pair of eyes on his back as he left.

"Well, looks like we're splitting up." Brenda nodded toward Thomas and his partner.


"You two take the storage room, Minho and I'll take the offices and klunk." the girl ordered. Newt nodded, turning on his good heel and wandering away, Thomas hot on his heels. The two headed down the first flight of stairs they saw, Newt clutching the banister a little too tightly.

"Hey Newt."


"Were you..uh..were you ok, last night? He didn't...he wasn't too mad was he?" He asked sheepishly, watching as the brits grip got tight enough to make his knuckles white.

"No, it wasn't. Well I mean..he's been worse."

"That's not what I asked." Thomas frowned as the two got to the bottom of the stairs, opening some double doors into a long, sterile corridor. "Did he hurt you?" he repeated. Newt just sighed.

"No Tommy, I'm fine. Plus I've been thinking about..maybe...breaking up with him." he trailed off. Thomas's eyes lit up and he almost audibly gasped.

"Newt that's amazing! I-"

"You can't tell anyone Tommy." he turned to his partner, "and don't get your hopes up. I don't even know if I will yet. It might be too risky."


"Thomas I'm not having this debate now. Later, good that?" He asked with a weak smile. Thomas grumbled and huffed through his nostrils.

"Fine." They reached the end of the corridor, the two pushing open the doors. They were stood at the entrance of a huge warehouse. Boxes were piled on shelves to the top of the tall walls, shadows looming over them. It was surprisingly neat and orderly for a warehouse, and Newt fumbled for a light switch. When he found none, he frowned and glanced at Thomas.

"Should we split up?" Newt rolled his eyes so hard, Thomas was surprised they didn't fall out of his head.

"Don't be stupid Tommy. This place is bloody huge, and theres no shucking light switch. It's so much safer if we stick together."

"But it's slower." Thomas protested.

"Would you rather be slower, or possibly shot." Newt frowned. The american huffed. Newt was right, as usual.


"Jeez Tommy, anyone would think you wanted to get away from me." He pulled out his pistol.

"I just hate how you're always right." he sulked, pulling out his own hand gun.

"Someone has to make sure you're reckless ass doesn't get us all killed."

"Good to know you trust me."

"Oh obviously. I trust you as much as a zebra trusts a lion." Newt scoffed under his breath.

"Only difference is, I'm not gonna eat you." Thomas snorted. Newt shrugged.

"I dunno Tommy, you see like that kind of kinky bastard." he shrugged casually. Thomas almost choked on his own tongue.


Sorry this chapter is so short, but I promise the next three chapters are gonna be good <3

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