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Hellooooo to everyone who's reading this, I'm Tessa Brooks and I'm dating my best friend! I'm going to tell you how it all happened so let's go down memory lane!!
*3years ago*
I just got out of 9th grade, I'm going to high school tomorrow and I'll have to make new friends which I'm a little scared about! I am a really friendly person but some people just hate me for no reason and I don't want that happening! Also I already have one friend here, my best friend Kian he is older than me one year but he didn't pass last year so he'll be in the same grade as me but I don't think we will be in the same class! Anyways I just got an email from school giving me my schedule and my classmates
1.Alissa Violet
2.Anthony Trujillo
3.Bryana Salaz
4.Bobby Mares
5.Chance Sutton
6.Corey La Barrie
7.Erika Costell
8.Emilio Martinez
9.Francesca Arrieta
10.Harrison Webb
11.Ivan Martinez
12.Jake Paul
13.Justin Caylen
14.Kian Lawley
15.Meredith Mickelson
16.Tessa Brooks
17.Tristan Tales

Wait hold up, KIAN IS IN MY CLASSS??? Omfg I'm shook, but his girlfriend is also in our class, I hope she doesn't hate me, like all his gf do but if she does I'm not surprised! They think of me as competition, I am not! I mean I am but they don't know that, no one does! I like him, I've been liking him for a while but I just keep my cool, he never noticed, no one noticed ever because I don't treat him as my crush! Anyways.
I have not known life without Kian! He's the best ever, I have to call him
*kian picks up*
K: Sup T?
T: Guess what?? We're in the same class!!
K: Are you for real?
T: Yeah! You still picking me up tomorrow morning for first day of school??
K: Yeah, Look I'm kinda busy, if we don't talk until then, Good night and see you tomorrow!
T: Night
Kian's POV.
I didn't want to hang up on T, she's my best friend, but Meredith is over and she hates her already! I haven't seen T all summer, we talk almost everyday but we were out of town this summer, so we have been apart for 3 months!I'm excited to see her!
*next morning*
T's POV.
Ok, something you don't know, I used to have glasses, I looked like a nerd, but now I have contacts and I had my hair cut a little bit down my shoulders but I let it grow during summer and made it blonde at the end of it, kinda giving it an ombré look, ya know! I also started working out, not that I was fat, 'cause I wasn't but because I wanted to define my body! And last but not least I am in dance again and I'm fucking happy! I got my outfit:

Ok, something you don't know, I used to have glasses, I looked like a nerd, but now I have contacts and I had my hair cut a little bit down my shoulders but I let it grow during summer and made it blonde at the end of it, kinda giving it an ombré ...

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And now I'm just waiting for Kian to pick me up!

We used to be best friends back in highschool - KESSAWhere stories live. Discover now