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K: maybe I do like her
Jc: Kian WTF??? You only realized that now?
K: I don't know if I do, I-I-I'm drunk, we'll talk tomorrow
Jc: you're going to sleep in my bed??
K: yeah, no fucking Chelsey tonight bro
Jc: Chelsey isn't staying the night anyways bitch! I just don't want to sleep with you
K: you've been sleeping with me since 4th grade, shut up
Jc: you suck
K: love you too

Jc goes downstairs and almost everyone was gone
Jc: what the fuck? Is it really that late??*checks his phone* Ohh 3am eheh it's pretty late

He tries to find his friends and spots Tessa and Emilio and goes up to them
T: Justin
Jc: I hate you ahahah
T: how is Kian?
Jc: probably crying😂
T: what really? Maybe I was a bit harsh
Jc: I don't know what you told him but he thinks everyone hates him
T: He already thought that, I didn't tell him that
E: maybe you should check on him Tessa
T: why?
E: C'mon, he already realized what he did! I know you're mad, and you should be, 100% but it's time to let it go, I know you don't want to be mad at him and if he's not able to talk to you you should be... Don't do this for him, do this for yourself
Jc: wow, Tessa I love him
T: I swear to God you have the most beautiful heart in this world wow, Thanks, you're the best! See you in a bit

Tessa goes upstairs and knocks on Jc's room door
K: who is it??
T: Who do you think?
K: I don't think I want you to roast me for what I did again
T: you deserved it, unlock the door
K: it's open

Tessa comes in and sees Kian with puffy red eyes with tears coming from them, Tessa instantly feels like crying
K: so what's up?? *looks at her* oh my god please don't cry!!! Why are you crying???
T: Because you are *cries*
K: sorry *smiles*
T: I'm sorry, I don't hate you, I could never, don't think that! I just... I was mad, I had reasons too, you know that, but I just don't want to be mad at you anymore...... you're my best friend Kian
K: I was not expecting that hmm... wow Brooks... I missed you so much *goes for a hug* Hug???
T: sure eheh
*they hug*
K: I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you! I'm really sorry, I love you
T: love you too, let's just get past this
K: yeah

They keep hugging for minutes
T: okay, I think it's time we go downstairs
K: I think I'll stay here
T: C'mon, you owe me, just a shot
K: Everyone is going to see that we were crying
T: And?? At least we're not anymore... C'mon Kiki
K: okay
T: Can I ask you one last thing before we go?
K: sure
T: Why don't you like Emilio? He's great once you get to know him, he has a beautiful heart and you should be happy for me, he is the last person who would break my heart
K: I don't know why I dislike him, but I'm going to trust you with your people
T: promise you'll be nice to him??
K: I'll try
T: Kian!
K: okay, I promise
T: good boy now let's go

They go downstairs and everyone besides their friends are there and Bry and Fran are not too happy with this Kian and Tessa situation
T: wow are we the only ones left??
E: yeah, everything good??
T: everything is good, we're friends
F: wow, we're you crying TB? I swear to god Lawley
T: Everything's good Fran, don't worry! He was crying before I was eheh
B: So you guys okay??
K: I guess
T: We are
E: well that's great actually
Jc: I'm actually really happy, my birthday has been amazing! One last shot, Everyone can crash here, my house is not that little, girls you can go in the guests room, it's pretty big and there are some pj's there, you know for this occasions, my mom knows eheh, guys in the living room
*everyone takes a last shot and goes to their rooms, 15 mins later*
B: TB you got a message
T: it's Emilio, he says the guys are sleeping already and wants me to go downstairs
F: what are you waiting for then??
T: I love you guys so much, you don't even know
B: eheh love you
F: love you bb, we have a lot to talk tomorrow tho
T: see ya

We used to be best friends back in highschool - KESSAWhere stories live. Discover now