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The weekend comes to an end and our boys and girls are back at school
E: hey TB
T: Hi, how you doing?
E: good, you? Excited to see our other "friends" when they get here??
T: Thrilled ahah, how are you and Ivan?
E: I don't know actually, we didn't talk this weekend
T: ohh hopefully everything will be alright
E: tha...
I: morning you two
E: morning
I: what's up with you Tessa?
T: maybe the fact that you sided with Kian when he called me ridiculous and saying that it was Emilio's fault? I don't know
I: oh I see what's happening here
T: yeah?
I: This has nothing to do with me tho, Kian said it, not me
T: and you put the blame on Emilio? Kian told me he needed to stay away from me and I gave him all the space he needed and the first thing he does is call me ridiculous?? This was nobodies fault but Kian's
I: ohh you're really mad! He said he was sorry tho
T: too little too late
*Franny and Bry just saw this and came to Emilio who had kinda walked away*
F&B: good morning
E: Good morning girls
B: what happened?
E: they got in an argument because he took Kian's side and told me that everything that happened was my fault so Tessa is pissed
F: well obviously, you're brother is being really stupid now
E: a bit
B: I'm gonna check on TB
F: okay I'll go talk to her in a second

B: Are you going to yell at me? Eheh
T: omg Bry, I missed you bby, what is Fran doing there?
B: talking to Emilio, she'll be back in a sec
T: oh, so what's up?
B: nothing much... excited to see Lawley today?
T: if I could slap him without getting expelled I would be very excited
B: wow you really are pissed
T: I'm sorry... Ivan was just stupid
I: I can hear you
T: good
I: ugh, I'm sorry okay?
T: go say that to Emilio, you turned on your brother
I: EMILIO, puedes vir aquí por favor? ( can you come here please? )
E: what?
I: I'm sorry for blaming you
E: really?
I: yeah I don't know what came to me! I'm really sorry bro
E: it's ok, love you bro
I: love you too
T: THOSE ARE MY BOYS, still mad at you tho *looks at Ivan* just not as mad
I: good I think
T: yeah

Jc and Kian walk in to the classroom and so does the teacher and nothing too exciting happens for the rest of the day, everyone goes home

We used to be best friends back in highschool - KESSAWhere stories live. Discover now