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Franny's POV
We are looking for Jc when one of mine and Corey's friends gets in our way
F: Alex??
A: Franny, I missed you
F: missed you too, what are you doing here??
A: well you know our group chat, Corey said that our boy Oscar got a girl to kiss him and then Oscar invited me over with her permission obviously, so here I am waiting to meet this girl
B: um, sorry, what is going on??
F: oh sorry, Bry this is the Alex, one of Corey's best friends
A: nice too meet you, Bry?
B: yeah, you can call me that, so I guess you're looking for Tessa?
A: Idk her name
F: It's her
O: ALEX, my maannn!!! I missed you bro
A: Oscar, missed you too man! So you going to introduce me to the unfortunate girl who had to kiss you??
O: Alex, this is Tessa Brooks
T: Hi
A: Hey
F: okaaayyy, we need to find Jc, don't fall in love with each other guys
A: what?
F: I'll be right back
O: one more thing Fran, your boyfriend... where is he at??
F: with Kian inside
O: thanksssss

So we finally are with Jc
B: dude we need to talk to you
Jc: what?! What about??
C: I'll leave you guys ahah
B: Thanks b

Jc: what the hell??
F: bitch, Kian likes...
Jc: he likes what??
Jc: oh he admitted it to you guys?? I'm in shock
F: Why has he been liking her his whole life, hell this entire year and you not tell me anything Justin?? They could be a couple by now
Jc: Fran, calm down. I want them to be together as much as you do but he didn't know what he wanted I guess and he needs to do things on his own and how could you not notice he liked her?? C'mon, all the jealousy he had and how he hated Emilio for no reason at all, their random make out sessions??
B: so are we supposed to keep this from our best friend??
Jc: of course!! If Kian just trusted you with this kind of information don't throw it away
F: he's right, we can't tell her
B: I want them together so baaaad!!!!
F&Jc: same
F: lets go find them, I think Alex is kind of an easy guy for her to like, even more than Oscar so we should keep that under our eyes
Jc: don't tell anyone about it yeah?? Not even your boyfriends girls!!
F: yeah, of course
Jc: Bryana??!
B: yeah okaayyy
Jc: okay now leave me alone
F: shut up bitch
Jc: Francesca!!
F: byeee

They get back to the group and as expected Tessa was talking with Alex but Kian and Oscar were also with them so Franny and Bry go to them
F: guuyyss
T: we need to talk
F: oh okay, c'mon
T: Bryana you too

Why does she look mad at me and Bry?? I hope it's just she pretending. We left the guys and I start talking
F: why do you look mad??
T: How come you never introduced me to that guy bitch???? He's so hot and so attractive and interesting
B: Tessa I thought you were mad at us ahahha you almost gave me a heart attack
T: I'm sorry babies I was joking ahahah I could never be mad at you, but I want to know the guy!
F: what about Oscar??
T: Oscar thinks Kian likes me and he also thinks I like Kian because I told him everything, so he kept true to bro code, but Alex doesn't think or knows any of that so I guess I'm good to go for it
B: Wait what?? Oscar thinks Kian likes you?? How come, you all started to hang out a min ago
T: yeah I don't know either, he said that he just knows, but yeah... Franny please tell your boyfriend I want to meet more of his friends if it doesn't work out with this one
F: yeah *awkward laugh* I sure will, talking about him Bry come with me to look for him, Tess go have fun with all of your boyfriends
T: correction, future boyfriend, best friend and friend
F: yeah ahah
T: see you in a bit *leaves*
F: I told you about Alex ugh
B: that's not what is bothering me, it's the fact that even Oscar noticed faster than us
F: we suspected it, a little bit
B: yeah, everyone around us knew for sure tho, ugh I hope she still likes him
F: she does, she keeps going for him
B: true
F: let's find Corey and Bobby
B: yeah

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