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K: Emilio and his side chick
T: What? *a tear rools down her cheek*
Is this true?

Emilio sees her crying and tries to get close to her, to dry her tears but then Kian steps in
T: Kian let it go
Emilio gets close to her again and tries to dry her tears with his hand but then Tessa pushes his hand away and brings hers to his face, not to caress him but to give him a powerful slap

E: I'm sorry
T: no you're not
E: I really am, I love you I didn't mean to do this, you're my girl, we can fix this
T: fuck you, we're done FOREVER!!! I don't forgive cheaters, you knew that! What? You thought this would be your secret forever uh?? You thought no one would ever know? I am done with you, please don't get close to me or my friends ever again in you're life
E: Don't act like you loved me all along!
T: WHAT? You better not makes this about me
E: yeah, you and Kian blah blah blah best friends and shit, I bet he likes you, has liked you ever since we started to hang out that's why he was so pissed, not because he got cheated on but because you were with me and you, you probably like him too always talking to each other and being "best friends", I bet you made out last week or something
T: What the fuck are you talking about?? I WOULD NEVER, never in my life cheat, even if I was in love with him! We're best friends, and I see now why he didn't like you! Because you're a piece of shit, bye Emilio

Tessa's POV
We start walking away, I can't believe this just happened and why the fuck did Kian have to be in this, we do not like each other! I start thinking that liking Kian wasn't that bad, the only thing that hurt me was when he called me sis

T: I'm going home guys
Guys: if you need something call us, please, we love you okay?
T: love you too! Thank you so much, for everything! See you tomorrow!

Tessa leaves in a matter of seconds and Kian wonders if he should go after her
K: should I go??
Jc: what the fuck are you even doing here still?? Goooo

Kian's POV
I sprint to her, she's entering her car so I hop on the passenger seat

T: do you need something else??
K: I want you to be okay, so I'm here for you like you were for me! I'm your best friend, it's the least I could do
T: *cries* I knew he would break my heart, I... I told you from the start, why didn't you stop me??
K: I'm so sorry but I tried! I knew he was a bitch, I punched him good if it makes you feel better
T: Thanks, for everything! You're a... amazing
K: I love you

Tessa looks him in the eyes and smiles, then her gaze travels to his lips, as she licks her own, Kian looks at her eyes and sees what is happening so he leans in! Why wouldn't he? She did the same for him, maybe they were meant to be together, who knows?? They keep getting closer and Tessa grabs his face while she presses her lips on his, jumps from her seat to his lap, Kians hands start traveling from her back to her butt, but then he pulls away smiling at her, Tessa quickly jumps back to her seat, not really knowing what just happened or why it did
K: guess who's making their ex look right about their words and thoughts now??
T: I'm sorry I didn't mean... to do that, I'm... sorry
K: you want me to drive
T: no I'm okay.... actually take the wheel
K: well let's switch TB
T: right

We used to be best friends back in highschool - KESSAWhere stories live. Discover now