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I'm sorry I'm doing a big jump in time and I'm sorry for making Emi the bad guy, I still love him but we need Kessa already

*beginning of the summer*
Tessa's POV
Today is finally the first day of summer break and I'm so extremely happy about summer, I couldn't say the same about my relationship! Yes, me and Emilio are dating... He asked me to be his girlfriend in New Years and I said yes obviously, I fell for the guy, anyways, everything was great I was actually so happy and he made me feel great but then he started hanging out with Jake Paul's group, Chance the guy Meredith cheated on Kian with, Anthony and then Jake's girl, Snerika! This probably started 2 months ago. You see Emilio was just great, guy of my dreams if I can say that but since him and Ivan started hanging with them they are different! I have a strong feeling Emilio is cheating on me, hitting on other girls because of how he's been acting towards me, cold and distant and weird, not my Emi!! Everything is perfect with the rest of our group!
Kian's POV
Finally summer break! My life's been great, I think I got my TB back as my best friend, I wish it was something else ugh! I know that she is with Emilio, and I think she is happy but I can't help it! I do like her, she's perfect, I wish I wasn't such a coward sometimes, maybe I'd have her by now and she wasn't dating a dude that I'm pretty positive that is cheating on her, he better not be tho!!! Overall I'm excited

Jc: Hi boyfwend! You wanna go to the beach today?? Plus Bob and Corey

K: sup dad! If you come pick me up, yeah

Jc: be there in twenty

K: c ya

Jc picks up the guys and they are all in the car when they arrive to the beach and look over to the little coffee shop and see this triplet of the Martinez with a girl from school who was NOT Tessa
C: Is that Ivan
K: I hope it is Ivan, if it's Emilio with another girl someone's going to the hospital
B: Dude look their kissing
Jc: let's say hi

They get closer and notice it's Emilio, 2 seconds later Emilio looks at them, Kian and Emilio exchange looks, Kian looks like he will kill him any second now, in Emilio's eyes Kian only finds fear while Kians are filled with anger and hate for Emilio, how could he be cheating on Tessa?? He's fucking stupid
E: It's not what you guys think!

Before he knows Kian punches him and the girl moves closer to Emilio to help him
K: If Tessa doesn't know about this from your mouth in the next hour, she's gonna know from mine! And after you tell her don't EVER get close to her again
E: Please don't tell her I love her
B: okay, if you did you would have done everything to not break her heart and that is not what you are doing so if you don't tell her we will!! And you don't have that much time, we're meeting her for lunch
Jc: and you better say the truth
E: ok

Emilio picks up his phone and starts dialing Tessa's number
C: oh my god!! Over phone? You are not the person I thought you were!
K: put it in speaker

Emilio puts it in speaker and Tessa answers the phone
T: Hi baby, what's up?
E: Hi
T: are you okay Emilio? What happened??
E: We are breaking up...
T: ... is this a prank?
E: no
T: why would you?? Did I do something wrong... is it my.. f... fault?? *crying*

K: tell her why the fuck you're breaking up

T: Is that Kian??
E: yes
T: Can you tell me what the fuck is going on?? Where are you?
E: at the beach
T: I'll be there in two fucking minutes, you better not leave, none of you

Tessa leaves her house and drives to the beach and meets them, she's as sad as she is mad and frustrated but she tries to stay calm, then she sees the girl
T: who's this??

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