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K: This is Tessa, my best friend besides your ugly ass!
T: oh my god! I've heard a lot about you! It's nice to finally meet you!
Jc: I hope you heard only good things, right Kian?
T: Oh they were don't worry eheh!
Jc: Good thing ahah! Kian can I talk to you please?
*private conversation*
Jc: Is that Tessa the girl you talk about since I met you??
K: yeah
Jc: Your girl is hot but she is way hotter, she's pretty as hell I'd date her if I was you!
K: No, I don't want to date her, she's my best friend, just that!
Jc: Well, you don't talk about her like that but is your loss I may be making moves soon!
K: Don't even dare try anything with her
Jc: why? You don't want her to be your girl so my way is free!
K: She has Emilio, you see that spanish bitch! She's into him I can tell!
Jc: Why is he a bitch?
Jc: Are you JEALOUS KIANN ???
K: I'm not, I have Meredith
Jc: Whatever you say, I've known you for a while dude
K: yeah! This conversation stays here!
Jc: yes
*they start heading back to the table and hear Ivan*
T: Look your girl is back
Kian's POV.
She is now looking at me with her little smile
I: Tessa stop it already, You have been flirting with my bro for the past hour! Who is whos girl now? Are you Emilios?
T: No, Kian is your girl

She just won't shut it, she's over there flirting with this guy and it's starting to piss me off!

K: Shut it Tessa!
Jc: ohhh someone's mad!
T: Calm down your tits, it was just a joke! Go make up with your girlfriend, I see why you two work so well! Fucking rude!
K: Aight

I pick up my stuff and go away! I shouldn't have snapped at her but Emilio is all over her and it's  getting on my nerves! They aren't doing anything wrong, they are just talking, but still! Why am I jealous?? It's the first time I experience this, she never had a boyfriend neither guys flirting with her, not that I know of! Well I'm jealous of something I can't have! Good fucking job Kian!
Do I like her or something? I'm so confused with myself!

*Tessa's and the Twins conversation*
T: Well lets continue
I: Where did you learn spanish?? The little you know ahah
T: Actually mister rude over there taught me! He was really good, fluent if I can say, but he lost those skills, sadly 'cause he had a really really good accent! I lost it too, I have already been a little better, nothing compared to him tho but we would have some conversations in spanish ahah! Throwback to fun times!
E: I think you should go talk to him, he seems upset...
T: I should be the one upset, he was rude for no reason and I'm always the one who has to give in!
I: he just fought with his girlfriend, go talk to him Tessa!
T: Why don't you two go! You seem worried about him! I'm not going, not now!
I-E: Aight! Calm down
T: I'm chilling

We used to be best friends back in highschool - KESSAWhere stories live. Discover now