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Part 2

Tessa's POV
I just had an idea

"Maybe we should text the group chat to reunite in our room, what do you think?"
"Sounds good, plus I feel bad for making you hang around me instead of Kian" she tells me with an apologetic look in her eyes
"Fran, we are best friends, any second I spend with you is worth it, I love hanging with you, plus me and Kian have time, if not tonight, tomorrow, don't worry about it" I giggle at her and smile, she smiles back and hugs me
"I love you so much T, you are the best ever"
"Love you too b", let's text them

Tessa: Guys, come hang out in mine and Frans room, after you have dinner and everything
Jc: me, Chelsey and Kian will be there in 30 minutes
Ethan: I'll be there in a second, I'm so alone
T: come on E ahahah
Bry: Grayson and I will also be there in half an hour, we're in this fancy ass restaurant ;)
Chelsey: flex on us sis, I wish I was on a fancy date
Jc: bebé, I can read this you know? From my phone and from looking at your screen since you are sitting by me rn
C: I know, I just wanted you to catch the hint babe
Jc: funny
T: see all of you later then

As soon as I wrote that someone knocked on the door
"The man himself, hi E" I welcome him inside "were you so bored?"
"Bro I swear I need a girlfriend, I'm the only single one, what the fuck is that about? Someone break up or something damn" he says kinda frustrated that all of his friends are dating someone
"Maybe you and Emma should give it another try" Franny says mocking him for sure since his relationship didn't go so well
"Corey is not here to defend you, Francesca"
"Do not call me that, asshole" she barks at him
"Guys calm down, me being the mediator I say this argument is officially over" I laugh at them "since when do you hate each other?" I ask
"She started it" Ethan blames her, like a 5 year old
"Grow up" she tells him, at this point she's just having fun and laughing at our friend
"Franny you're mean, and since I'm the bigger person I won't argue with you anymore"
Fran laughs at him and so do I, eventually we all were laughing at the fact Ethan just called himself the bigger person when he is precisely the one who starts the stupidest arguments all the time.
We talked while we waited for everyone

Bry's POV
"So what were you and Fran talking about?" Grayson asks me
"Corey knew about Ayla too, why didn't we know? I'm actually triggered, does Tessa know they used to hook up? They were best friends back when that happened, she has to know about her, if she doesn't something is definitely going wrong" I rant about my thoughts to Grayson who was clearly trying to catch up to me since I talked so fast and he's still processing
"Are you going to tell her about the bus?" He asks me
"I don't know, I'm scared to, I'm scared he'll hurt her honestly" I stop for a second "she doesn't deserve getting hurt, and if she does get hurt by Kian I don't think she'll get through it, and I hate seeing her broken, she's like the light in every situation, imagine being friends with a sad Tessa, IMAGINE THAT" I whisper yelled
"That would be sad, I think if she was sad we would all be sad honestly" he says actually imagining if his other best friend besides Ethan got sad, and how devastating that would be "Help, now I'm sad thinking about that"
"I know right?" I tell him
"You just ruined the moment talking about this" he tells me giving me a look
"Sorry, I love you okay?" WHAT DID I JUST SAY??? Way to go Bryana, I quickly look away, obviously I don't expect him to say it back
"I love you Bry" WHAT?? Did I hear correctly?? "Don't look so shocked, I was even gonna ask you to be my girlfriend"
"What? Grayson, don't play with my heart like that" I tell him, I bet this is a joke
"Why is it so hard for you to believe I want you to be my girlfriend?" He looks at me, looking kinda sad that I think no ones is ever going to love me
"Well if this is your attempt of asking me I believe my answer is a big ass yes" I smile at him

Grayson's POV
I don't think I ever saw her smile that big before plus we are in luuuv bro, how amazing is that, I'm actually so happy she is the one I settled down with, my precious beautiful baby.
"I was getting worried you'd reject me" I tell her before giving her a kiss
We pay and then go back to the hotel, for friends night with everyone less Corey, sad he isn't here.
We get to Franny and Tessa's room, knock on the door and enter to see everyone but Jc and Kian, Chelsey came without them
"Guess what??" Bry tells them, I just laugh at her and her need to tell everyone we are dating
"What?" Ethan asks clueless, fucking moron
"We are officially together dumb ass" I tell him a chuckle leaving my mouth
"I'm officially alone in the world, congrats guys" he tells being extremely dramatic
"Thanks E" Bry says smiling from ear to ear
The girls congrat us and we all just sit talking waiting for the two dumb fucks who are always late

Kian's POV
"Kian, I'm done waiting for you, it's been 15 minutes since Chelsey left, are you coming or what?" Jc asks me, ready to leave me all alone for our friends
"You can go without me, I just need to finish this game and I'll be there I promise" I tell him aware that I've been saying that for the past 20 minutes
"See you in a bit then"
And I just hear the door close and no Jc in the room, another 5 minutes go by and I decide it's time I go meet everyone else, I take the key to our room and close the door and suddenly someone was standing in front of me
"You again? You miss me that much?" I tell Ayla chuckling at her, why am I flirting with her? What is wrong with me
"Are you following me Kian?" She smirks at me
"Wouldn't you like that? I'm on my way to see my friends, do you need something?"
"I need you to break up with your girlfriend" she looks up at me, trying to seduce me
"You're funny Ayla, I know you miss me but I can't" I smile at her
"You can't, that means you want to" she says putting her hand on my chest and I just leave it there
"Don't put words in my mouth now Ayla" I'm being provocative
"I forgot how much fun chasing you to have sex was" she bites her bottom lip getting closer to me, I decide that's enough even though I chuckled at what she said
"I need to go" I tell her getting away
"See you around Lawley"
"Yeah, see ya"

Ethan's POV
What did I just witness? Is Kian cheating on Tessa, that can't be true, I'm sure that this has an explanation! WHAT EXPLANATION COULD HE HAVE FOR FLIRTING WITH SOMEONE OTHER THAN TESSA! I'm conflicted, my head is playing tricks on me, what? Kian is cheating? All this questions, I need to talk to someone
"Hey man, why are you out here?" I snap out of my head and see Kian looking at me, I didn't even notice he came up the stairs "I needed some fresh air, that's all, they're all inside you should go in"
"Hope you feel ok bro, see you in a bit" he pats my back before going in
OH MY GOD, why me? Why was I outside, I sincerely hate my life! I'm gonna tell someone, I need to, I don't know what to do, should I call Corey? He's not here, this won't create conflict, but also I don't want to put him in this position, he's pretty good friends with Tessa and Kian, maybe I should tell Jc, he'll know what to do right? Yeah I go inside
"Jc, do you know that girl you showed me last week?" I come up with something
"Kristina?" He asks me
"Alice?" Franny jumps in
"Yeah that one"
"Me and Jc have been friends with her for the longest time" she says, me having no clue they were friends
"Yeah well, Jc I need your help, come with me"
"Yeah dude sure" he gets up and we both go outside
"Finally you decided to text her uh?" He asks me smirking because he knew I thought she was so pretty, anyways this is not about me
"No, but I promise I will"
"Ok, then what do you want?"
"Jc, I saw something, I didn't know who I should tell, since I don't think this is my place to tell anyone at all but like you guys are my friends, Tessa is my friend and so is Kian and now I'm conflicted and I don't know if I should tell because I will also put you in a weird situation and when I say weird it's bad, like real bad" I ramble
"Ethan, calm down" he chuckles at me being so nervous and talking too much "what did you see that's so bad?"
"It's more what I heard combined with what I saw"
"Tell me" he looks impatient and curious
"I saw Ayla and Kian, you know, that chick he used to hook up with a few years ago, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, well they didn't kiss or anything but the conversation between them was sort of flirty and provocative, she told him to break up with Tessa, he said he couldn't, and then she was like "that means you want to"" I copy her voice "and then she put her hand on his chest and he didn't even do anything, I think he's cheating on Tessa, and you know how much she loves him, she would die if this was actually happening and I was so scared to tell anyone" I give the longest speech explaining what I saw and he just stares at me, suddenly a third voice meets our conversation
"What?" the shaky voice asks, we look its way and it's Tessa, WHAT HAVE I DONE???
"Hey, how long have you been standing there?" I ask her, with a fake smile hoping she didn't hear everything I just said, but I can tell she heard everything
"What do you mean Kian is cheating on me, you're lying, this is not a funny prank" she says looking between me and Jc with tears falling down her face
"T, I don't know if he is" I tell her
"I heard what you said, I'm getting cheated on, again, wow, I seriously should have stayed home" she's fully on crying
"Tessa, come here" Jc says engulfing her in a tight hug, while I'm standing here thinking I just ruined her relationship "you'll be okay T, I promise, I'll figure this out"
"It's been 10 minutes, damn, what's going on?" We hear Kian ask and he looks at us confused then saw Tessa was crying "are you okay baby?" He asks her, coming her way

We used to be best friends back in highschool - KESSAWhere stories live. Discover now