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*next morning*

T: call me when you get here

K: k

I don't have a clue what this talk is about! We have been so distant, I hope nothing bad happened to her because I'm being so cold to her and she's still so sweet to me, I just need to think about what I want, Meredith and I broke up a month ago, I loved her so much, I'm still heartbroken, maybe that's why I'm pushing Tessa away because I want to heal on my own this time or because I will fall for Tessa? I don't know. Well I'm outside and I rung her phone and she just got out the door I used to pick her up at, she gets in my car and goes for a hug, I missed her so bad, my best friend
K: morning
T: Hi
K: So what do you want to talk about?
T: Why are you pushing me away? And I mean, I would understand if you pushed Jc, Bobby, Corey, Harrison and Ivan too who are also your friends, because of how broken you may feel, but I'm the only one you ignore completely so I want to know what's up
K: I don't know what's up, I guess I'm not okay and... don't get me wrong I love you like you are my sister

Well that's good to hear "BRO"

T: ok... continue
K: I don't know, maybe I want to heal on my own this time, and don't want you to try and help me every time something goes wrong in my life or to fill your head with my problems
T: and do you think that stoping talking to me wouldn't put problems in my head?? I've been questioning myself if I did something wrong or wtv for the past 2 week and a half
K: you did nothing wrong, and we are okay, we'll always be I just need time for me to solve myself and my head
T: okay, whatever you want, I'll still be here if you need me you know
K: yeah I know
T: good, you can drive to school now
K: right

I bet she is almost crying, I know her and I know how hurt she feels right now but I couldn't have lied to her. The rest of the ride to school is pretty silent, awkward almost, witch never happened, I'm sorry Tess
I need to go into the bathroom, leave the tears I've been fighting this whole ride and walk out like nothing happened! I'm glad we are at school now even tho I just want to burst into tears
T:I'll see you around
K: See you

We used to be best friends back in highschool - KESSAWhere stories live. Discover now