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Kian's POV
When I see her with Corey's friend, Oscar! I don't know how to feel, it's like the part of me that likes her wants me to go there and show him that she's my girl kinda, but the part of me that thinks, actually correct that, knows she doesn't feel the same for me wants me to let it go but even if she did like me back I already messed it up when I kept kissing all these girls during summer! Ugh whatever I'm going over there!
T: really, you're entering our school this year?! I thought you were here over summer only
O: no no, I'm here to stay I hope eheh
K: Guyyysszzzz
T: Oscar this is my best friend, my bro, Kian Lawley!
K: bro?
T: yeah
O: nice to meet you bro, I'm Oscar
K: sup, really you gonna "bro" me TB?? C'mon
T: okay you're drunk and I'm busy right now so.... FRANNYYYYY BRYYYY !!!!!
O: Jesus Christ, that was loud
T: sorry eheh
B&F: what is it Tess??
T: he's really drunk
K: Am not
T: take him to his girl Nezza
K: oh c'mon I don't want to be with heerr, I like my TB better *hugs Tessa*
F: it didn't look like it when you let her kiss you Lawley
B: Bobby said he wanted to talk to you anyways, Kian please come with us
K: We'll talk later "sis"
T: I hate you
K: lieeess

O: do you guys have something going on??
T: Who?
O: You and Kian... you know, Jc kinda said you guys had kissed and he seems to like you
T: yeah we have kissed but no feelings, we're besties eheh
O: I bet you are those kind of best friends from the movies, like you've been in love your whole life's but you're in denial... I feel like you're that...
T: wow you processed a lot of information tonight
O: I do think he likes you so Bro code Tess, you're really pretty and everything a dude would wish for from what I've seen, so your "bro" will be a lucky dude when he decides to get the girl
T: how the hell do you know all that??
O: I don't know how I know that but I know that I know that... U feel me??... we can still be friends tho Tess
T: well... thanks??
O: no problem, you want to tell me about your relationship or what??
T: wow... um I-I
O: so you like him or what??
T: you went straight there?!

Tessa tells Oscar everything, it feels like she has known him her whole life and he's a really nice and genuine person and this has potential to turn into a great friendship! Meanwhile Fran and Bry are still with Kian, he said he needed to talk to them

F: well, what do you need to talk about with us Lawley??
K: well since I'm drunk this should be easy... I fell for a girl
B: It better not be who I'm thinking about
K: who are you thinking about??
B&F: Nezza
K: oh it's not her, don't worry
F: so who is it?
K: promise you won't tell anyone! Only you and Jc will know about this, please promise me you won't tell her
F&B: Promise
K: okay good, I-I...
F: boy spill
K: I like T
F: Is ThIs FuCkInG ReaL??
K: Yup
F: are you serious or you just didn't like the fact that she kissed Oscar??
K: I like her, I swear
B: I'm so happy rn, this is my ship, I love it
F: Can you like tell us everything??
K: well there's not much to tell
B: stop lying, you fell for your best friend, you have a lot to talk about
K: I'm sure she told you about our more than friends interaction?? Right after I found out that Meredith was cheating... I guess that was when I knew but was in denial... Jc always told me I liked her bc of the way I talked about her to him but I dunno
F: Oh my God, I love this, are you telling her??
K: no
B: why not??!?!!
K: Because she doesn't like meeee
F: how would you know??
K: what??
B: oh it's nothing, you should fight for what you want tho, we gotta go
K: If you tell her I don't even know what I would do to you guys
F: Don't worry Lawley... COREY!!
C: whhhaat??
F: make Lawley some company babe
C: uggghhh babyyy, he's annoying
K: am not

We used to be best friends back in highschool - KESSAWhere stories live. Discover now