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Kian's POV
Me and T leave and we are faced with Franny, Jc and Bry
K: guyysss
Jc: what was that?? You guys dating or what??
T: what was what???
B: T we saw you guys
T: what did you see exactly??
Jc: you two, making out, in front of Meredith and Emilio?!!?!
T: ohh about that... we'll talk another day, we were leaving sooo... bye

She grabs my arm and pulls me away from them while Franny shouts at her to come back. We are now leaving
K: should I drop you home??
T: I want to go to yours, I told my mom I was sleeping at Bry's and I'm drunk too
K: good thing my parents aren't home most of the time this summer
T: yeah, so about the kiss in front of them... I'm sorry, it's just..
K: it's okay T, it just happened in front of people... I don't regret it, do you?
T: of course not, I don't regret anything in life, you know
K: yeah eheh let's just move past this and not keep doing it because we don't look just bffs now
T: right, back to you being my "gay" friend, kinda...
K: yeah eheh

Tessa's POV
And that's what we did, our lips never touched again, We told our friends that we made out just for show in front of Emilio and Meredith and gladly they believed us, that was the truth tho, right? Right. I got 100% over Emilio and, finally, 2 girls entered our friend group these being Emily one of Corey's friend's ex, then Nezza! I didn't go with none of their faces, I don't know if it's because they have been trying to get Kian's attention, especially that Nezza girl, but you know I stay unbothered eheh, or if it's because they don't like me as well!
Today I'm having a small party with only my friend group witch means I'll have to invite those two. Anyways, Bry and Fran are coming over
*ding dong*
Oh that must be them, let me get the door
T: Babiieeess
B&F: Babyyyy
T: come on in

They go upstairs and start getting ready
B: so school starts next week, are you excited??
T: Not at all
F: I'm excited about this party thooooo
T: ahah
B: who did you invite again??
T: besides us, Kian, Jc, Chelsey, Bobby, Corey and then Emily and Nezza bc I had to
F: ugghh, they will be all up in your man, as always
T: who?
B: oh don't act stupid! Lawley, who else??
T: he's not my manz
F: oh that's why you're always making out with each other?
T: that doesn't happen since your first summer party Fran, and I gave you a good reason why we made out
F: that wasn't the only time, but you say what you want bby
B: F A C T S
T: oh shut up *ding* ohh I got a text froommmm... *checks who it's from*... Corey La Brea
F: stop calling him daaatt!!
T: ahahah never
F: what does he want tho??
T: he's asking me if he could bring a friend, one who might be a good guy for me... I hope it's his friend Oscar!! He's reeeaallyyy cute, let me ask him
B: soo???
T: YEEAAAASSSS It's Oscar eheh I'm very excited for tonight now
*few hours later, during the party. They are drunk and playing truth or dare*
E: Nezza, truth or dare baby??
N: hmm dare
E: kiss Kian
N: oh, is this ok?
K: *nods*
Tessa's POV
WHAT THA FUCK?? Of course he said yes, fucking drunk bitch!! Wait, why am I jealous?? Franny, Bry and Jc just look at me as I try to not give a fuck, which is being really hard for me rn! Did he really agree to this?? ...ugh I hate this party
Oh she went for it... okaaayyy hoe... is she really glancing at me?? Wtf, I think everyone saw that, oh well, she's really trying to make me jealous, ahah game on bitch!!
Co: Tessa... truth or dare??
T: what??
Co: truth or dare??
T: I don't do truth with you boy, you just want tea to be spilled so dare
Co: eheh okaayy, kiss Lawley
T: ew no
Jc: oh c'mon Tess, you've done it before
T: Her mouth was there just a min ago, choose someone else Corey
Co: okay... hm Oscar
*Oscar smiles at Corey and then at Tessa*
T: oh you're totally fine with this uh??
O: I guess, who wouldn't be?! Eheh
T: right ahah... by kiss you mean what exactly??
Co: no tongues and for 5 seconds
T: that will do... Oscar come over here baby eheh
*everyones looks at Tessa shook*
T: chill out, I'm kidding

I kiss Oscar for longer than expected but just for a few seconds longer, we took like 10 seconds and everyone was shouting at us to stop so we did

T: okay, done
Co: you enjoyed that uh?
T: Oh shut up
O: I did *winks at Tessa*
T: *blushes*
B: okaaayy you guys are druuunkk
K: Can we end this game??  It's getting old seriously!!
Jc: ohh are you mad?
K: no?!
T: I guess we can do something else, what do you have in mind Ki?
T: what??
K: Music, Drink and Dance
T: sounds good ahah, let's go guys

Kian's POV
Tessa puts music on and I've been dancing around with my boys but I want to dance with my bestie now... I am looking around for her when I see her...

We used to be best friends back in highschool - KESSAWhere stories live. Discover now