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I see Bry and Fran close to the schools entry, thank god
F: I'm breaking his face
B: why are you so sad TB???? Come here *hug*
T: can we go to our place, I don't want people to see me crying, especially not Kian
F: let's go
*at the back of the school in a little room with two sofas and a cute wood table, many computers and things everyone forgot about, no one went there ever, it was so hidden and abandoned they made it theirs*
F: what happened TB?
T: he said he doesn't want me around basically, that He needs to solve his problems himself and some shit talk like that
B: nothing else?
T: he also called me his Sis so ahahah
F: aww I'm so sorry TB
T: I just hope everything gets back to normal
*They go to class*
E: Hey babe
T: I'm not your "babe"
E: not yet *wink*
T: okaayyy slow down bby boy
E: I'm kidding, it's been 1 month since we first hung out, you down to get those fries again?
T: yeah I am
E: okay
*he turns to the front again but then looks back at T*
E: You look so sad and tired today, what's up?
T: I'll be fine, you really don't have to worry
I made out with Kian one month ago, that doesn't matter, I like Emilio, seriously I do like him and I love that he has this sweet soft side and then turns into a hot sexy human in seconds! I like being around him, I am happy actually, If Kian is okay with what he is doing so am I!
E: Tessa?? Umm HOLA???
T: I'm sorry eheh, Imm so excited for this afternoon, aren't you?
E: very actually
T: That's great
E: care to explain why you were so depressive all day?
T: Kian told me he didn't need me basically, my best friend doesn't give two shits that's what I feel
E: ohh, well lucky for you I'm here to cheer you up
T: True, thnx btw
E: I like hanging out with you
T: same aaaaaaa
E: Glad you do ahah... I am inviting you for something today, my parents are going to NYC this weekend, they leave friday night and come monday morning... basically me and my brother are throwing a party
T: so you want me to come?
E: Si, and also invite Fran and Bry, I'll talk to Jc and the other guys
T: okay eheh I haven't been in a party for a while eheh

We used to be best friends back in highschool - KESSAWhere stories live. Discover now