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Meredith leaves them alone and they leave their dancing spot and go sit on some couches
K: are you ok?
T: perfectly fine...I don't get how you're so soft with her still
K: I didn't get a chance to talk eheh
T: I'm sorry, she just gets in my nerves and then she started talking about Emilio ... we broke up like 3 days ago, I still like him I think, I was in love
K: I understand...
T: that's not what I wanted to say, I don't like him anymore but I have to let go this part of me that wants us to get over the cheating so that we'll be fine again but I know that's never gonna happen
K: He's not the guy for you, I can promise you that
T: then who is?? I guess I'm meant to be alone
K: don't say that, we're young, we'll find someone
T: I hope so *giggles*
K: yeah *smiles*

Tessa smiles back but then sees Emilio bringing someone she couldn't quite figure
T: oh god, look at him with another hoe
K: Tessa, that is....Meredith

Meredith looks at Tessa in the eye while making out with Emilio. They keep looking into each other eyes and Tessa gets on Kian's lap and gives him a kiss while looking into Meredith's eyes. Kian smiles into the kiss and they start making out in front of Meredith and Emilio, who had stoped their own session to look at them

YESSSSS MY LIFE KEEPS GETTING BETTER, I'm in love with her, I've been for so long... why didn't I listen to Jc ever! He was right, so right!! And also, Meredith, take that! I knew I could do so much better than you

I can't believe that I just kissed Kian, in front of our ex's!!!! Oh my god, I'm getting wild! At first I thought I was only kissing him because of Meredith but now I know there's something more! Do I like Kian again?? What the hell is happening between us? I have too many questions in my head when Kian pulls away from the kiss.

M: you're such a...
E: hoe! We broke up what?? 3 days ago and you were so heartbroken and did not like him at all! If that was true wtf was this?
K: do not call her that! Never again!!
T: Emilio I can do whatever the fuck I want! You cheated so you have no right to have a say on me or to want an explanation from me! You're such a... I can't even find a word! Why would you come next to us with this person?
E: You are clearly over us so what is the problem?
T: the problem is that you cheated and we hate you! Franny hates you both, why are you even here?! Find new friends and stop trying to be around our people!! No one likes you here
M: ok... chill
K: I think both of you should leave! Seriously, none of your friends are here...
E: they were my friends
T: they're not anymore because you CHEATED ON MEEEEE!!
E: whatever
K: leave please , no one wants you here
E: you don't want me here so you can keep making out with my-
T: shut up Emilio, you were the first who came here making out with his ex!! I'm done with this party, you two can stay and have an wonderful night, enjoy yourselves!! Kian, you're coming with me or what??
K: yeah

We used to be best friends back in highschool - KESSAWhere stories live. Discover now