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"Omg, now that I think about it, isn't it weird??" Franny asked me while I packed my stuff
"Me and Kian having sex? Why would it?" I laugh at her question
"Well, weren't you zero when you became friends, it's weird cuz you were friends when you were kids"
"Well, now that I think about it, it's kinda weird"
"Bro, why did you put that thought in her head?? She's probably gonna tell Kian that" Bry laughs
"I'm not gonna tell him anything"
"Sure" Bry and Franny answer at the same time
"Well, let's stop talking about Tessa having sex, don't want it getting graphic. Let's talk about me having sex with Grayson, should I bring this set?" Bry says, pretty serious, me and Fran laugh at her while she shows lingerie through our FaceTime call
"Yeah, I think he'll like it ahahah"
*Tessaaaaa* I hear my mom calling me from downstairs
"Looks like I gotta go, see you later guys" I tell them hanging up, I then went downstairs
"Yeah mommy?"
"Kian called, he said he tried to call you but he wasn't able to"
I immediately get tense because our moms don't know we are a thing yet.
I remember I never said anything back to her because I got caught up acting weird about Kian talking to my mom ahahaah
"Yeah, sorry, I got lost, what did he want?"
"Well, Liz can't take him to school tonight because she is out, so he asked for a ride"
"Oh, ok, you called me just to tell me Kian's coming with us?"
"Yeah, I thought you would like to know since you've been so close lately" she smirks at me kinda, is she onto us? If she is it means that Liz is too, I don't want them finding out yet, for all I know Kian and I, we could break up or something, what am I saying
"What?" My voice getting pitched as I ask that "me and Kian have always been close remember?"
"Yeah I rembember, but something's different, do you like him?"
"Mom what are you saying??" I blush, someone looks extra guilty rn
"You are blushing, YOU LIKE KIAN, he's older than you, no funny business this trip, are we clear? And I'm serious"
"Mooooom, nothing is going to happen, he likes someone else" at this point telling the truth would be easier but since I've already lied I guess I'll continue
"Oh, do you want me to tell Liz to put a word in for you?" She says grinning like I'm her high school friend
"No mom, I'm your daughter, not your school friend, don't you dare do anything and destroy my 17 year old friendship with my best friend"
"Fine I won't tell on you, but you like Kian and I approve"
"I'm finishing packing"
And I go upstairs, Well that was awkward

Laurie's POV (Tessa's mom)
I know I promised Tessa I wouldn't tell Liz anything but she's my best friend since forever so we made it our life mission our kids get married and this is our first opportunity, I'm shocked that it took so long, Okay I'mma call her
... ... ...
"Liz, you won't believe the best news I have to tell you"
"Ahahahah please do tell"
"Tessa likes Kian" I whisper so Tessa doesn't hear me
"WHAT???" she screams "Are you serious? Is our childhood life's plan about to come true??"
"I know right?! Get a word in with Kian, she told me he likes someone else"
"I will, I'll call him right now"
"Ok, I'll call you after I drop them off so you can tell me how it went" I giggle and so does she
"K, love you so much, talk to you soon"
"Love you too Liz, bye bye"

"Who were you talking to?" Tessa asks me
"Your sister"
"Oh, ok, well it's 5 pm now, I'm all packed we should leave in about half an hour, Yeah?"
"Yeah baby"

Kian's POV
I just finish packing when I get a text, it's currently five

T🥰:baby, we'll be there in about half an hour, be ready by then! Love you so much <3

Me: I'm all ready, see you soon, love you a lot<33

As soon as I send that my moms caller ID apears on my screen, I answer the call
"Hi mom, what's up?"
"Did you ask Tessa for a ride?"
"I tried but sadly she didn't answer and I had to call Laurie"
"Well I much more prefer talking to my best friend instead of talking to yours" I chuckle
"Right" she pauses " I'm sorry I can't drop you off myself baby, but I'll be there to pick you up"
"It's okay, don't stress about it, I understand" I smile even if she can't see me
"Yeah, so mom talk now! Don't want you getting anyone pregnant mister"
"MOM are you serious?? Don't try and have this talk with me, it's weird!!"
"Well I'm gonna have Tessa keep an eye out for you anyways, she's a good kid, very responsible unlike you"
"Thank you so much for the consideration, I love you too"
"Is there any girl you have an eye on?"
"Why all these weird questions mom?"
"I just want you to be careful Kian, and given your taste I get preocupied, the last one, what was her name... Meredith was it? I didn't like her very much, so is there anyone new?"
"No, I don't think so"
"Maybe you should date Tessa"
"Good idea, maybe I will" I say sarcastically but not really
"Kian Lawley, don't have sex with her" oops, too late
"Mom, I'm hanging up now"
"I love you baby, see you in a few days"
"Love you mom"
"Don't have sex"
I hang up on her, why does she get this weird, damn

I lie on the couch on my phone a bit, waiting for Tessa and her mom, considering her mom is like my second one I guess you could say, and the fact she is best friends with my mom I can see weird topics being talked about in the car, let's hope not
, it's already 5:26, damn
I get my things and when I'm walking myself out someone knocks on my front door, that being Tessa, I open it and I completely forget her mom is there and go for a kiss but she dodged it hugging me, then I look at the car and there is her mom smiling at us, a strange smile tho
"I'm gonna kill you" she whispers to me
"Sorry I forgot I don't have a girlfriend for the next 20 mins" I chuckle at her
"Need any help Kian?" Her mom asks getting out of the car
"No, it's all good it's just this two bags"
"Get them in the back then" she smiles
"Will do"
I take my things to the back of the car and get on my seat
"Ready to leave guys?"
"Yeah" me and Tessa answer at the same time
We're 5 minutes into our "trip" to school and Laurie speaks
"So..." I can tell this is the weird conversation "you Tessa are my youngest daughter, no funny business"
I chuckle in the back because seeing Tessa get this talk while I'm in the car it's funny
"Mom, you need to stop with this, especially with Kian in the car"
"I'm glad he is going, he can take care of you like a big brother" ew I cringe at that
"Mom, don't say that, ew, stop with this" Tessa is almost vomiting in her mouth
"Won't you look after her Kian?"
"I promise I will" I say kinda weirded out but smiling and not letting her see how this could possibly get to me
"Well then, my mission is accomplished"
Suddenly the car starts playing a phone ringing sound and it scared the crap outta me bc it was so loud
"Kian look it's your mom"
Great, let's see what she says

"I talked to-"
"Hey Liz, the kids are in the car with me"
"Oh I thought you were alone already" my mom laughs, I'm curious about what she wants to tell Laurie that me and Tessa can't hear
"Well I'm not, so you want to tell them anything"
"Don't get pregnant and don't get anyone pregnant, do you hear me? Tessa don't let Kian have sex with ANYONE"
Tessa laughs "I won't, promise"
"Okay, see that's why you are my favorite girl" My mom tells her
"I'm telling my sisters that mom" my mom laughs
"Have a safe trip guys, I love you both, Laurie I'll talk to you later I get home around 7, we can have dinner together"
"Fuuun, I'll see you later then, love you"
"Love you, bye"

We get to school and see everyone pilling everything they owned inside the bus, me and Tessa say goodbye to her mom and soon see her take off, finally I can kiss my girlfriend
"Jesus, that was hard to hear little sis" I almost gagged saying that
"Ew stop it, I almost threw up on her after she said that shit, aaand why did you call her earlier? Now she thinks I like you and want to date you" she tells me a bit pissed but not really
"Ow, that's cute, my mom had the weirdest talk with me, and I bet it was worst than your mom thinking you like me"
"1st she told me to not get anyone pregnant, 2nd she said my taste in girls is wack and that she didn't like Meredith"
"I love your mom" she said interrupting me
"Then asked me if I had an eye on anyone, I told her no and she said I should date you and not to have sex with you"
She laughs at me, "I LOVE YOUR MOM" she tells me again
"Yeah, I heard you the first time" I say with a playful tone
"Well are you ready for this weekend?"
"Yeah" and we kiss, get our things in the bus and talk to our friends for a bit

We used to be best friends back in highschool - KESSADove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora