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F: Emilio asked you out?
T: Yes, we are going to some new place
F: cool, is this crush foreal?
T: The crush is, he's cute and sweet
F: and is there something going on between you and Kian?
T: WHAT? Nooo
F: really? He looked pissed
T: it wasn't because of me, he didn't even know Emilio was asking me out
F: Emilio was looking at your ass while you were coming back to the table and Kian looked at him and got pissed, you saw him and you know him better than I do, I've met with him only on Jc's birthdays! Does he like like you??
T: I wish *she realizes what she said and quickly covers her mouth with her hand*
F: Oh my god, you like him
Does he know?
T: pfffttt no I don't
F: yeah you do
T: Franny let's stop talking about this
F: no, I wanna know
T: Good Lord, there is nothing to talk about
F: Have you made out ever??
*T blushes and looks away*
F: when? Recently?
T: *nods*
F: He wouldn't cheat on miss blondie, was it this morning?
T: Franny... I'm done talking about this
F: Haha I can't believe it, he had just broken up with Meredith, you're a savage
T: I didn't kiss him
F: He did? Even better
T: you can't tell this to anyone, DON'T TELL JC
F: What about Bry?
T: I guess we can tell her
F: gr8, I know we met yesterday but me and Bry are really trustworthy
T: I feel like I've known you my whole life, it actually scares the living shit out of me
F: OMG I actually love you so much, we are going to be the greatest friends and be like a super hot trio of best friends
T: ahah, I'm glad I found more good friends besides Kian, and I'm getting over him, with Emilio, he's just a little crush I can brush it off
F: whatever you say b
T: We should get to class now, we're kinda super late
F: yeah we should go eheh
*they head to class*

We used to be best friends back in highschool - KESSAWhere stories live. Discover now