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K's POV.
I am almost by Tessa's so I'm going to give her a call so she comes outside. I call her and she answers:
T: I'm outside already
K: 10 seconds and I'm at your front door!
*Kian is at the front of her house*
Tha fuck??? She looks hella good! Is that my best friend? I have to stop looking tho so I get out of the car and go give her a hug, that's when I see her ass got bigger! Why am I looking at her this way?? Get your head straight Lawley, she's your best friend!
*end of hug*
T: I missed you
K: Same eheh, I like the hair! And you forgot your glasses stupid!
T: I have contacts on hoe!
K: NOOOO, my best friend is gone!
T: No she's not eheh, a little change never hurt nobody
K: well it is hurting me
T: are you serious?? Do I look uglier than normal?
K: Well, yeah!
T: Really?
She is looking at me with a concerned and sad look
K: I'm kidding, you never looked better!
T: Thanks bitch
I just laugh and we make conversation till we get to school! She already got the schedule, same nerdy Tess, and we got into class and there is a lot of guys here and some of them are extra good looking! I get out of it to hear T
T: Are you seeing this?? I'm getting a boyfriend this year, the Twins are hella fine and I'm sitting by them, byeee! Btw your girl is calling you
K: Ok
I got a weird feeling when she said that about the Twins! Am I jealous??
T's POV.
I just saw this guys in my class and I'm fucking digging most of them, especially the Twins so I go talk to them! Idk why but I'm gonna talk spanish, I just know a lil bit
T: Holaaaaa!
I: Hablas español, Emilio ella habla español!!!
E: No, look at the confused look in her face! I'm sorry, I'm Emilio and this is Ivan!
I: Hi, I'm sorry if I scared you but we are spanish and I was in hope you spoke spanish
T: Ahah it's cool! I don't but I'm willing to learn! I'm Tessa.
E: Nice to meet you
I: Nice to meet you
T: Why are you guys in USA?
E: Our parents got a job here last year and we had to come along but I'm glad we did
He smiles at me and I can feel he is flirting! I like his charm, I guess I'll be getting over Kian, finally!
T: I'm glad you had to come along too eheh
*Teacher comes in the classroom*
Teacher: Hello guys! Good morning! Today you are going to tell us about yourselves so you know each other because almost all of you are new and don't know each other. Alissa Violet you are first!
AV: Hi I am Alissa Violet, I was born here and I like all kinds of food! Eheh
Teach: Anthony you're next
AT: Hello, I'm Anthony Trujillo, I am from Ohio and I moved here two years ago! I also play football!
Teach: Bryana, guys you know your order, when one is over you go next!
BS: Hi guys, I'm Bryana but you can call me Bry if we are friends, I'm Mexican and I'm in dance!
BM: Good morning, I'm Bobby. I am from Mexico and I play guitar.
CS: Hi, my name is Chance, I'm from Ohio and I play football
CLB: I'm Corey. I'm from Australia and I play fortnite a lot!
EC: I'm Erika and I'm dating Jake so stay away from my man!
EM: Hi, I'm Emilio Martinez! I come from Spain and I play soccer.
FA: Hi guys, I'm Francesca but please call me Franny eheh, Thanks! I sing and thats about it!
HW: Hi I'm Harrison, I'm from England and I do nothing special ahah!
IM: Hi, I'm Ivan, not "EYEVAN" alright, Emilio is my twin so I also come from Spain and I play soccer!
JP: I'm Jake! I am from Ohio and I also play football
JC: Hi I am Justin, actually I'm Jc Caylen! So y'all better call me Jc. I'm from Texas and I love to take photos so if one of you want a photoshoot just give me a call! I'm also from last year I had to redo my year because of my missing intelligence at this subjects
KL: Hi I'm Kian, I'm also from last year because me and Jc share the same brain almost ahah! I can sing and I also play soccer! I think I'm done!
MM: Hi, I'm Meredith and I'm from last year as well, umh life's great you know! I have nothing else to say! Next

I past by her and she just glares at me! WTF did I do wrong now?? I never talked or met her in my whole life! Kian got a bitch ass all to himself this time! Okay now it's my turn talking!

TB: Hi everyone! I'm Tessa, Tessa Brooks! I am a dancer and that's about it!
TT: Hi I'm Tristan! I don't do anything special!
Teacher: okay guys I think we're done! This is the only class you have today so y'all can hang out and be friends!
T: Martinez wanna meet my best friend?
I: Is she cute?
T: Hmm "she" is, you could date her!
I: She's a guy!
T: No she's not! KIAN COME HERE!
K: Mere come meet Tessa!
M: Alright, ugh.

We used to be best friends back in highschool - KESSAWhere stories live. Discover now