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Next day
Kians POV
Yesterday I told Tessa I liked her and didn't get rejected so I'm really happy about that we also made a deal while we were coming back to JC's place, we are going to keep this a secret, to keep everyone out of our business for now and to keep them in the dark because we found it funny also this was Tessas idea, she wants revenge because nobody told her I liked her and everyone told me she liked me.
You might be wondering what I am doing awake at 7 am, well I'm so happy I couldn't sleep anymore and so couldn't Tessa because she just woke up
"What are you doing up?" I ask her
"What time is it??"
"7... am"
"Guess I couldn't sleep anymore"
"Oh, same here"
"Everyone is still asleep, wanna go out by the pool?it's sunny out"
"Sure baby"
She smiles at me and we go outside, we lay by the pool and it really is a nice day, no clouds just the sun and morning warmth, suddenly I feel another type of warmth
"What are you doing?"
"I missed you and everyone is asleep so no one has to think it's strange that I'm laying on top of you"
"Hmm we're being couply in secret only?"
"Yeah baby"
"Sounds like a lot of fun, trying to not get caught by our friends"
"Doesn't it? What nobody knows nobody can destroy"
"I think they'll suspect something, especially JC, what happened yesterday was his whole idea basically and if I tell him I got that far and didn't tell you shit he'll be pissed at me, are you really worth me arguing with my boyfriend?" I say playfully
"Well I think I am, JC doesn't kiss you does he?"
"Hm you have a point"
We were about to kiss when Grayson, fucking Grayson comes out here
"What are you guys doing?"
"Kian stole my phone and I was getting it back"
"Thought you were about to kiss or something"
"Ew" both me and Tessa say
"Don't say ew, you've done it before"
"Well we had reasons to, now we don't so why would we, right Kian?"
"Right, besties don't kiss"
"You guys sound weird today"
"Well Graybae maybe it's just your head playing tricks on you because we are very normal"
Graybae? Didn't like that Brooks
"Wow dude your girl just called me bae"
"I noticed"
"I'm not his girl, ugh I hate you guys"
"Okay you guys are normal"
"Yeah I know" she said, good actress Tess, we almost got caught tho
"Should we wake everyone up?" Gray asks

We got to the living room and saw everyone hugging, like Emma and E then JC and Chels then Fran and Corey and then there's Bry
"Were you sleeping with her like that too?" I point to one of the couples with a disgusted joking look in my face
"Why do you care? Jealous she doesn't want to sleep with you like that?" He asks me referring to Tessa obvi
"Glad she doesn't, look how fucking stupid they look"
"It's called love buddy"
"Shut up Grayson"
Then he laughed at me and we woke everyone up.
"Boys turn to make breakfast" Bryana tells us and suddenly every guys in the room is groaning
"I can't cook" I told everyone
"Yes you can, you're just lazy" Tessa told me and I just glared at her I really don't want to cook
"We'll be by the pool, call us when you're done" Fran shouts leaving the room

Now in the kitchen
"Can we just make them cereal?" Ethan asks and I quickly agree with his idea but then comes JC and Grayson telling us they deserve something good, Corey really doesn't give two shits about what we're doing for them ahahah
"We are making pancakes" says JC
"Please don't let Grayson cook, I plead you, he's horrible at cooking" says Ethan
"My food is great, you're just too picky" Grayson defends himself
"Me and Corey will make the pancakes, Kian and Eth fruit station, Grayson you can decorate this time" JC coordinated
"Wow you really believe I can't cook?"
"Well Ethan wasn't the first complain I got"
"Who was the other one??"
Grayson acts shocked and goes outside to yell at Bry
"Why did you tell everyone I can't cook"
"Baby, it's not that you can't, you can, you just suck. I'm sorry"
"Wow thanks for being honest, since I'm decorating, your plate will be the ugliest"
"Sorry Gray, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings"
"Too late, your plate equals really ugly"

He comes back into the kitchen and we finish making breakfast, all the plates are really cute and it's time we eat so we call the girls
"Ohh, this is really cute, great job guys"
"No, not great job yet, we have to see if they taste good or not" Franny cuts Emma off
"Who did what?" asks Chelsey
"Me and Corey were on the making pancake station, Kian and E were on the fruit station and Gray was decorating"
"Let's taste them then, decorating was really good, great job Gray" said Tessa
We finish breakfast and all the girls said we did a great job then while some of us are cleaning the kitchen JC pulls me outside and I already know what he wants
"What is it JC?"
"What happened yesterday?? I really wanna know! Did you tell her?"
"I know, I know, don't judge me, I got anxious about telling so we just talked until almost 4 am"
"I want to kill you Kian Lawley! You're so stupid! You should've told her"
"It wasn't the right time"
Little does he know, this is fun!
"I am going to tell her you fucking like her so she can make the first move for you"
"No JC, you can't do that stop getting in the way of my love life, I can do it I just need the right time to come"
"Whatever you say Kian, just stop chickening out on her"
"I will I promise"
"Good, let's go see what everyone is doing"

We got inside and I thought he was going to be way more mad at me, but he let it go so I'm very happy about that

We used to be best friends back in highschool - KESSAWhere stories live. Discover now