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*1 month later*
So it's been one month since I went to that "date" with Emilio, I have been to 3 others and I like being around him, a lot, what I don't like is the fact that Kian has been really distant towards me, maybe Fran did tell Jc and Jc confronted him and he didn't like the fact that I told her that we made out after his break up, or maybe I don't know, I trust Fran and Bry, I think she didn't tell Jc but I'm asking her anyways! Also me and the girls got really close this past month and I'm really happy, they're coming over in a minute because we are working on this project together
*knock on the door*
T: Sup babies?
B: Sup baby girl
F: I missed trio
T: Fran we hung out like all day, we separated 30 mins ago ahah
F: I know I just love you guys ahah
T: before "working" on our project that is literally done (we like to give our parents excuses to hang out) I need to talk to guys
F: To your room
*in T's room*
B: ¿Que passa?
T: Kian has been distant from me, he's not talking to me actually, I am sorry, I know in the back of my head that you would never tell what I told you but I just need reasurance
F: I didn't tell anyone, Swear on God
B: Same, maybe you should talk to him
T: I'm shooting him a text
F: tell him you two need to talk. it's probably nothing
T: It is, believe me
B: then ask him, tomorrow at school
T: yeah
F: Now onto other things, How's the boyfriend?
B: yeah I wanna know about yesterday
T: guys he's so cute, We went to this place but it was completely full, there was a line of people to get a table, I bet the food was good, okay so he didn't want to wait neither did I so he drove to this take away sushi place, we got some and went to this park! I swear to you I thought I was in one of those gardens full of fairies, it was just stunning! We ate and he tried to make the move, but I didn't give him that
F: ohhh Tessa being difficult
B: poor guy ahahah
T: ahah, gotta keep him working for it but it was actually the best date I've ever had
B: you say that because Kian hasn't taken you out yet
F: ahahah Bry I love you
T: ughh guysss
B: I'm sorry baby but I'm on Kians team
T: he isn't even trying to get me
F: he will, when you're over Emilio
T: okay let's stop dreaming girls, we aren't even talking, for sure he won't be taking me on a dat...
B: ohh someone got a text is it your boyfriend or future husband?
T: Bryyy that's enough, it's Kiki
F: Awwww she still calls him Kiki
T: he asked what about
B: tell him you just need to understand a few things and that you'll talk tomorrow at school
T: sent
F: ohh he's quick

K: can I pick you up or you are already going with your boyfriend? We could just talk on the way to school

T: I'll go with you

K: See you tomorrow then

T: Bye

*Tessa reads the texts to Bry and Fran*
F: ohhh mentioning your boyfriend, someone is jealouse
T: Franny!
B: He was just so cold
T: I know, something's up
B: maybe he likes you?
T: yeah, he doesn't
F: How are you so sure? he kissed you and told you all those things and God knows what he has told Jc
T: I don't know and I don't care to, I'm getting over Kian, he's supposed to be my best friend and only that, that's what we've been all our life's, best friends
B: are you're moms best friends?
T: yeah, that's why we are too I guess
F: just like the movies
B: that's what I was gonna say
T: ohh shut up already, I want Emilio now, I'm getting over Kian, I mean it
B: wtv you say
F: yeah we support you no matter what guy you choose
T: thanks bbys I love you
F&B: Love you bb
F: well it's getting a bit late and I have to go home, tomorrow I wanna know what happened as soon as I get to school
B: Everything she said ahah
T: I will tell you don't worry about that, I'll miss you
F: Group hug?
B: hell yeah
F: See you tomorrow TL
T: What does that even stand for?
B: Tessa Lawley, duuuhh???
T: See your stupid asses tomorrow
B&F: Love youuuu
T: Love youu

We used to be best friends back in highschool - KESSAWhere stories live. Discover now