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*end of the day*
T: guys I don't have an umbrella to walk to the car and it's raining like crazy
F: neither do we
B: Bobby is taking me with his and Corey is taking Fran
E: I got you Tessa
T: Thanks, let's go then

T: Bry why did you park so far?
B: everyone came to school today, there was no where to park in the morning, you were with me
T: yeah I know eheh
*Tessa is hugging Emi so that she doesn't get wet*
T: thanks for sharing your umbrella bby
E: I wish it would rain this often so you would be hugging me all the way to Bry's car eheh
T: I don't want to get wet,
Don't think I like you
E: oh I already think that
T: well that's your problem Emi
B: We're here, you can let go of each other now
*they get into the car*
Trio: See you at the party guys
Guys: See ya
*Saturday afternoon*
F: Girls we have to start getting ready, party starts in three hours
B: yeah let's go
T: party party

T: Emilio said he was going to drive us to the party
F: you're boyfriend is really the best
T: I wish he was my boyfriend like really
B: oh you really like the dude
T: yeah
F: so Kian?? Forgotten
T: For sure
B: really?
T: yeah, I don't think he even likes me as his friend anymore so what's the point??
F: Kian's a bitch, don't be sad about his mistakes
T: it's fine, just gotta get used to it even though it's been almost three months
B: At least we are almost in Christmas

*ring ring*
F: TESSA, pick up the phone

T: Emi?
E: I'm outside bb
T: okay we're going downstairs, bye

F: Bry hurry
B: I'm going
*in the car*
E: wow you guys trying to impress the guys?
B&F: why?
E: you look really good
B&F: aww thanks
E: You look beautiful
T: thanks *blushes*
*at the party*
Everyone had their drinks, Emilio is really drunk and so is Tessa
T: let's sit down a bit
E: you okay??
T: totally fine, better than ever
E: let's go
He grabs her hand and they go outside where there is nothing but a cold breeze so Tessa goes for a hug and they lock eyes with each other
E: you know?
T: what?
E: You made my life even better when you came around
T: thanks, you did too, you already know
E: yeah and I really like you
T: I feel like we always have this conversation when we are in this state
E: what does it matter? It's the truth
T: well thanks I like you too a lot
T smiles and Emilio starts to lean in until they touch lips and start a make out sesh, at this point everyone in their squad had seen this and 99% were really happy for them, the 1% was no other than Kian Lawley who was also really drunk and after seeing this disappeared
B: oh my god, are they really?
F: man you don't know how happy I am
I: Finally a girlfriend eheheh so proud of my bro
BM: Bry we're next *winks*
B: okay you're drunk
C: like you would mind
B: shut up Corey, go make out with Fran or something
F: hey, I was not involved in this
B: well TB has a lot to tell in the morning
Ch: guys, umm, I'm sorry for ruining your "proud parents" moment but where is Kian?
Jc: he was right here, dude he is fucking drunk and extremely stupid
F: guess he got bothered by the sight, he's okay don't worry

They turn to look outside again and see Kian throwing himself in the pool

We used to be best friends back in highschool - KESSAWhere stories live. Discover now