Chapter Six : Detention. Again.

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Today was a normal day in detention, well, even I wouldn't call it detention. It's just me holding back whoever decided to misbehave in class afterwards, but today, nothing has changed. My favourite student was here, Y/N. Once again she had completed all of her school work, so I just said she could read. The girl had her nose buried deeply into a manga, she looked very concentrated and I had to admit, it was very cute.
I divert my attention from the female to my notebook, call me weird but every time I'm in detention with Y/N,  I note down a few things I like about her. Today, it was the way her eyebrows pushed together slightly and her eyes squinted when she was concentrating on a book. Y/N also like to bite her lips a lot when writing in class, I shouldn't find it attractive but I do. And to be honest... her lips look like a jigsaw that's missing the last piece, and that last piece was my lips.
I'd like to try and fit my piece into hers.

It was as if Y/N could feel my eyes on her because she glanced up and her eyes met mine. Her lips curve into a smile and I swallow, closing my notebook rather discreetly. Y/N doesn't need to see this, and hopefully she never will... this was for me and me only.
Y/N got up and began to walk towards me, her hips swaying to a beat of a song that isn't even playing. Her short skirt seems extra short today, and I had to admit, it's driving me insane yet I try to hide it. But I look down at my closed notebook and hold my breath.
In fact... I have to hide it.

"Mr. Han... sir?" Her voice is sweet and melodic, it was so nice to listen to.
I breathe in and look up with a smile, I must act normal. Y/N was leaning against my desk, it didn't even occur to me that she'd get this close. But she did.

"Is everything okay, Ms. L/N?" I asked and Y/N scoffs, "Ms. L/N?" Y/N bent over and placed gentle kisses on my face. Her lips were extremely soft, and even though she was just kissing my cheek, I longed for her even more.

"Ms. L/N...? Huh, it's really odd hearing you call me that Jumin..." At this point, I'm beyond shocked. I stare at the unbelievably beautiful girl stood in front of me, everything about her is perfect... and that's all it will be to me too. Y/N walks around my desk and stands in front of me, I barely have time to react when she sits on my lap and cuddles into my chest.
It was also instinct to wrap my arms around her small waist and hold her tight. Today was the day I listened to the voice in my head that said 'Y/N is MINE'. I still couldn't believe this was happening, but damn do I like it so so much. "It's also weird without you at home... can you stay for longer tonight, baby?" The nickname was new and damn do I love it.

I shoot her a grin. This girl knows how to please a guy without even trying, there's another thing I love about her. Usually, I'm the tease. "Jumin, sir." She whispers, catching my attention immediately. Her face is inches away from mine and I can feel her hot breath on my top lip, her eyes are staring at my lips. I gently hold her chin and place my lips onto hers, she purrs into the kiss and I tilt my head, deepening the kiss.

I reached my hand behind her head and pulled her even closer, she used her hand to-

*beep beep beEEP*

I woke up with a start, jumping up and looking around my room. I let out a rather heavy exhale and calm down, it was only a dream Jumin. Stop. Early morning sunlight shone through the split of the curtains, lighting up a few parts of my room and bed.
I was lay on my side with my legs tangled in the duvet and sheet, a small groan escaped my mouth because I had to make the bed again. I rub my neck and sit up, trying to locate my shirt. I never found it, whoops, it's lost in here now. My phone alarm is still going off, "Shut up." I grumble, pressing 'Stop'. That was something that never changed about me, waking up was always a problem. Of course I had business to attend to, but y'know, waking up sucks.

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