Chapter Twenty Five : We need to be more than careful

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"Y/N... wake up!"
You swat away the noise and bury your face deeper into the warm chest of Jumin, ignoring the shooting pain that shot across your forehead.
"You need to wake up!"
You didn't want to wake up, you were quite comfortable laying here in a relaxing slumber with the guy that makes you feel safe, why is someone deciding to wake you up from that?

"Leave me alone..." You murmur in a tired and groggy voice. Jumin must've heard you because he wrapped his arm around your waist a little tighter, pulling you closer. Your head begins to pound and you sigh, hoping the person that tried to wake you up had left, but they didn't.

"You really need to wake up!" The person touches your face and your eyes flutter open, and you chuckle, coming face to Face Yoosung. "Oh good, you're awake."

"Mhmm..." You hum, and then cringe because your head had begun to hurt again. The person shakes you awake and you open your eyes fully, frowning. "What do you want?"
You asked Yoosung.
Oh wait, it was Yoosung?
Why was he in here with you...?
After all you're in Jumin's room.

"Shit." You mutter, gently removing Jumin's arm, he just turns over and snuggles into the duvet, giving you the time to get up. Yoosungs eyes are wide but his body language says that he's calm, or at least calmer than you. Before you can explain as why to you Jumin's bed, Yoosung chuckles and pats your head. "Ow!" You call out and Jumin wakes up, looking at the two of you.

"What did I-"

"She fell in the bathroom earlier and hit her head really hard..." His voice was slightly huskier than it was earlier and you had to bite your lip to stop from crying out. "Don't touch her head..." He mutters, looking at you with a concerned Face before wanting to figure out why Yoosung was in his room. "Why're you in here?"

"The others will be home really soon..." Yoosung said, a hint of worry and sympathy in his voice. Yoosung felt bad for causing you pain but after all, it wasn't his fault. He didn't know. "Y/N needs to get out-" Just as Yoosung was about to finish his sentence, the front door opened and Jumin jumped up, limping over to your side. "Also... cover your fucking neck!" Yoosung whisper yelled, causing you to blush.

"Alright, Yoosung get out!" He whisper yelled and Yoosung followed his orders. Jumin helped you up and walked you into your room through the bathroom.
You could feel his eyes on you almost the whole time, as if he was trying to help the pain in your head disappear.
When you were in your room, the only thing you could think of what the fact that Fact that Yoosung knows, he knows you and Jumin most likely aren't just friends and that's scary to you. "Y/N, you still need to rest... your head is-"

"Killing me." You finish his sentence and sit down on your bed, Jumin sighed. "You need to rest too, your ankle looks very painful." Jumin nodded, kissing you before limping away into the comforts of his room.
Once again, the thought of Yoosung knowing still scares you.

Well actually, the thought is both nerve racking but exciting. There's obviously someone who is on your side that can help the two of you in you get into some sort of trouble.
Yet, he's the one that could potentially leak this massive secret of yours.


At this point, you had only been awake for an hour and you've taken about four paracetamol pills. But, it was dinner time and the only person that wasn't home was Jaehee.
The twins picked up some ice packs for your head and Jumin's ankle and Zen made some food for you. Which was a surprise, since he never really cooks often. The fact that everyone is helping the two of you recover from injuries brings a smile to your face, it really does.
Now everyone's sat in the living room, chatting away. Jumin has his head on your shoulder with a blanket draped over the two of you, well, that was originally Zen's idea because of some weird reason. Out of everyone in here, Zen was definitely the most worried about your head. Ever since you told him that you hit it and lost consciousness, he's been afraid that every time you go to sleep, you won't wake up. He was making sure that you were okay every few seconds, and when you hesitated with your answer, it looked as if he was about to cry.

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