Chapter Twenty One : Jealousy

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"G'morning, Y/N!"
Holy shit.
You jump in surprise, a small scream exiting your mouth as a loud voice came from the right hand side of you. You look in the direction where the voice came from.
Kim Jihyun? Everyone calls him V but you're not exactly friends with him, so you just stick to Jihyun.
The extremely loud blue haired boy usually sat next to a really pretty girl, on the opposite of the classroom. He also doesn't usually talk to you in such a happy manner, he's not this excited either. But a small part of you wasn't exactly upset with this, Jihyun was a nice guy. Sometimes.
"Hello, Jihyun." You say with half a smile, immediately you divert your attention back to your workbook, mentally telling him to leave. Yet, he doesn't get your hint. Why would he?

"Hey, is it alright if I sit here from now on?" He asks and you wince mentally. He's a nice person but you really want to say no.

"You want to sit here?" You asked, a little shocked. "As in next to me?" Jihyun smiles at you, his eyes have a mischievous glint in them and you can tell what he wants. He wants you. "Why would you want to sit here of all places?"

"Well Rika turned super cold recently, and to be honest, you're prettier than her too so..." You look over to where Rika was sitting, and of course there was a large frown on her face. She was fumbling with her fingers, was she okay?

"Listen... Jihyun," But just before you could reject the blue haired boy, Mr. Han grabs the classes attention and starts up role call. When he gets to Jihyuns name, it can be heard from beside you and not next to Rika, of course Jumin knows this and looks up with a rather amused smirk at you but his smirk fades when his eyes land on Jihyun.

"You seemed to have moved, haven't you Mr. Kim?" He asks with an unamused face. Jihyun sends a smile to Mr. Han as he wraps his arms around the back of your chair, Mr. Han was not having that.

"Yeah sir! Is it aight if I make a few changes to the seating plan?" He asks your teacher.
Jumin's jaw clenches and his lips form into a thin line.
Oh someone's gonna dieeee

"Jihyun, stop it." You hiss at the boy next to you as Jumin continues his role call, you need to lie to get him away from you. "I have a boyfriend, just please give up." You could feel Jumin's gaze on you, and you could feel it for a long and hard time.
The lie does in fact cause him to pause though, but he doesn't stop staring at you as he brushes his blue hair out of his eyes.

"Oh, pretty little Y/N has a boyfriend now?" Jihyun isn't buying your lie, and at the moment, you really need him to buy your lie. "That's funny because I've never seen you with one."

"Well I have one, whether you've seen me with him or not is not my fault." You reply, causing Jumin to snap his head up. "And to be honest, I'd rather you not see me and him together. It's my life that I'm living, and I'd rather you have no place in it."

"Ms. L/N and Mr. Kim, if the two of you are going to flirt in here, please make sure you do it quietly, or not do it at all." The rest of the class chuckle at Jumin's remark, really not understanding that he was mad right now. Actually no, he was beyond mad. You hold your breath and move as far away from Jihyun as you possibly could.

"You're lying, I definitely do not believe you." Jihyun hums, still keeping his gaze on you. Kim Jihyun never understood what the word 'no' meant, and that was very clear now. You didn't want Jihyun near you in any shape of form right now, especially since Jumin was angry with him. "Stop playing hard-"

"Do you not understand the word, no?" You groan back, hoping that he'd finally get it this time.

"Ms. L/N? I told you to stop talking, but you didn't. Detention." Jumin's voice was dark, and probably only you could hear that.
Shitty bricks on shitaki mushrooms.
But then again, maybe today is actually the first time you managed to receive a detention for a valid reason! All the other times is just Jumin picking on you for his amusement, that's the problem there. Honestly at this point, the intermediate lesson is probably going to result in murder.
And you're the victim.

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