Chapter Thirty Eight ~ Guess what we are

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As soon as she read those words, as soon the beautiful girl sat in front of me processed everything on that page, it was as if the small part of my brain that was afraid to say it, suddenly gained the confidence it needed to be able to speak. "Y/N," I say slowly, making sure that I'm not panicking or breathing too heavily. I hold her warm hands in mine, pulling her attention from the poem that I spent so many days on to me. "I... I love you." Oh my god. I did it! I can't believe I did that oh my god.

A long, long line of friends of benefits.

And that was it. I said those three words I've been meaning and wanting to say for so long. It was as if the whole entire universe had been lifted from my , now weak, shoulders, it was as if I could breath again. Y/N's beautiful eyes are slowly brimming with tears of joy as she stares at me with that beautiful face of hers. "Jumin," She pulls one of her hands out of mine and wipe away her tears quickly, laughing a little as she did so. "What took you so freaking long to say it?"

Trust me, I don't know baby, I really don't know.

I shrugged and chuckle, "I honestly really don't know," I said. "But trust me, I'm glad I finally did." And I really am. Jaehee was right, I've never really been the person to fall in love or keep a steady relationship. But, now I know what it's like. Love is the feeling of trust at a new level, it's the feeling you get when you can't stop smiling and you only have that person in your mind.
Love is being able to care for that person whether they're healthy, fit and strong or sick and not well at all. That's love. And I love Y/N.

A vibration in my pocket caught my attention and I picked up my phone and looked at the notification.

Yoosung👾 : I Cleared the house out for you and your special one ☺️ it's nice and empty for the two of you;)

Before I respond to the mischievous message, I look back up at Y/N. She's re-reading the poem on the paper with a large smile on her face. And then it hits me.
Yoosung didn't empty the house just because we're officially a thing. He emptied the house because he wants something to happen.
Okay, I want something to happen to... but we're going to be alone for a long time. A lot can happen in a small amount of time.

Wins on fortnite...

Jumin👀 : get your head out of the gutter m80

Yoosung👾 : trust me. You'll thank me for this ;)

Jumin👀 : ...¿

Yoosung👾 : whatever whatever ,, go enjoy your date and tell me when it gets heated :)

I stared at my phone with a defeated face. While I put it back in my pocket, I sigh heavily. Yoosung would never let me live if I didn't do anything, but it's not me that should be doing anything. If Y/N doesn't want to do anything, then I'm not going to do anything until she's ready. "Hey Jumin," Y/N says in a sweet and relaxed voice. I looked up at her and smiled, "Are you ready to go?"

I nod and smile, pushing out the thoughts that I should've kept at bay anyways. "Of course, M'lady."


When the two of you walked inside of the now empty house with hands locked in each other. "Where did everybody else go?" You asked, looking around. When Jumin didn't respond, you turned around to face him. You tilted your head to the side when his hand was still on the door and his eyes were on the floor. "Jumin, is-"

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