Chapter Seven : We could...

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"I'm guessing as a child, no one ever taught you to listen to orders."
Oh hello.
You jump around and cover your mouth, your vision blurring because blood started to rush to your head. There's one thing you want to know, and that's how is Jumin Han so unbelievably fucking quiet. It's not fair. You want to kill him! Not the other way around.

You send a somewhat innocent looking glance towards the dark haired teacher leaning against the door frame with a bemused look plastered on his face. He walks towards you almost silently and takes the piece of paper out of your hands, and uses the free hand to close his notebook.
You frown a little, curious as to why he keeps on protecting that notebook of his. You've already seen the note so, what could be even worse than that?

Jumin faces you and sighs. He's dangling the note as if he would your phone when he confiscates it in class. Which makes you think, how many times has Jumin dropped his phone because he was too busy being a dick and dangling it over places that were too high? You also sigh and scratch your neck.

"Y'know I already saw it, right?" You say, pointing towards the note in his hand. Jumin laughs and nods his head, causing you to cock yours.

"That I'm very aware of. So, what did you think of it?" He smiles.

You purse your lips, "Think about what...?" You asked, hesitantly. There were definitely many things you didn't like about Jumin, but when his eyes go from the most sparkling eyes ever to the most darkest eyes ever, you don't like it. Jumin isn't the guy to be classed as dangerous or evil, but when it happens... he looks both dangerous and evil.
And hot.
But you try not to pay attention to that bit, after all, he is very distracting. "The drawing in the note, Ms. L/N." Jumin fakes a worried look, "By the looks of it, someone's onto us..."

You laugh dryly, "Yeah, you can only dream of that."

Jumin laughs and his hair falls into place again, "Hm? What're you implying, Y/N?" He asks, rather curiously.

"It's Ms. L/N, Mr. Han." You say with a proud expression on your face. Finally some self confidence. "And I'm not implying anything other than the blatant obvious truth." You replied with. Jumin is sitting on his desk again, guarding his notebook with a smirk on his face. You take a seat on a table too, just to make it a little less obvious that you were paying attention to that book.
You have to read it, you need to get Jumin Han away from you and you need to do it ASAP.

"Alright then... go on, tell me." Jumin starts, "When you say the obvious thing, what would that be?" He asks, cutting off your thoughts about getting rid of the bastard.

You point towards the paper he's still holding, "That. We both know for a fact that it wouldn't happen, that's the obvious fact." Jumin laughs hard, so hard that he manages to push his notebook back a little further with just caused you to sigh internally. If he's trying to make it look like the laugh did that, clearly acting isn't his forte.
You grow slightly annoyed that he's laughing at you and not with you, you've always been a little sensitive to people laughing at you. You groan, "Alright then. What's so funny?" You asked, hoping that he'd reply with something actually funny. Instead, he just laughs harder and you glare at him.

Fine dickhead, be that way. Just know that you piss me off to an extreme level of livid.

"Ah Ms. L/N, are you also implying that you do not find me attractive and are not attracted to me?" Jumin smirks so unbelievably wide that you just wish his jawline was sharp enough to slit his own throat at this point. Can that please happen? "Because, I highly doubt that you don't and aren't."

"Sir, those are two different questions and they're both going to get a different answer." You pointed out and Jumin agreed with you, nodding slowly. "To answer your first, poorly worded question, are you attractive? To many people, yes. You are indeed extremely attractive to many people and of course, there are multiple females and males that would love to be seen with you because of your looks, but I'm not one of those females." You state and Jumin is still smirking. But you can tell you're lying through your teeth and so can Jumin.
You've never been the type of person to lie, and when you do, it's only to hide certain emotions or feelings. Usually, you can get away with it pretty easily but not here. Not now. Jumin Han is gorgeous and damn do you know it. He's not only gorgeous to you, he's most likely gorgeous to so many other people.

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