Chapter Thirty Nine ~ Tension

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The mood was completely ruined.
You sat on your bed with your head in your hands, trying to forget the embarrassment of it. But it didn't work. Both of you had sat there with bright red faces afterwards, too afraid to even begin again. Though it's not the first time you've been walked in on with Jumin, today was much worse. You were walked in on by your older brother and his best friend. You had slid on to the couch next to him in silence, hoping that would help the tension but it didn't.
Jumin excused himself to go and change his clothes before you could even say a single word. The exit made everything a little lighter between the two of you, but it still doesn't get rid of the odd feeling you're beginning to hate.

You lay down in your bed and recall every single thing that just happened. And then it hits you.
You and Jumin were about to have sex on the front room couch. But, that doesn't exactly sound like a bad thing right now.
You shake away the thoughts.
Finally grabbing yourself together, you stand up and walk towards the bathroom, on the way to take off the dress you've been in all day. But as you open the door.
Jumin turns to face you.

He's standing in the bathroom with nothing but a pair of pants on. His full torso is revealed for you. His black hair is sticking up in all sorts of directions because your fingers were tangled in it.
Those muscular arms and leaning against the bathroom counter and Jumin's peering into the mirror. His eyes move from his reflection to yours when you walk in. "Oh." You say, "S-Sorry..."

Hello everyone,
Welcome to my TedTalk.
In today's TedTalk, I'm talking about the reasons why Jumin Han is a dangerous man.
Just look at him.
That's it.
That's the talk.

You shake your head, getting rid of the thoughts and slowly walk out. It was the most awkward and excruciating thing anyone would've ever seen, but it happened. You sit on your bed slowly sighing, why is my teacher so fucking hot?
The tension was beyond thick, a katana couldn't cut through this no mater how razor sharp it was. You've been told that sexual tension is usually the thickest, but you didn't believe it until this very second.
You should've seen it coming though, Zen barging in, both you and Jumin can never get anything done peacefully. So, it shocks everyone, why didn't you see it coming?

Whatever, the tension would disappear sooner or later. Whether it be now or next week. You stand up from your bed and try to undo the zipper of the dress you didn't want to wear in the first place. But you should've seen this coming too, the zipper get stuck half way down your back. "You've got to be goddamn kidding me." No matter how many times you tried to undo the god forsaken zipper, it wouldn't work. To you, and probably any other sane person, it was quite obvious that you were definitely not getting out of this dress alone. And luckily for you, there's only one human in the house and he goes by the name, Jumin Han.

You stand there in your room staring at the floor with a blank expression on your face, sleeping in the dress would be super uncomfortable but staying awake all night would result in a cranky you... something no one wants to see. Guess asking Jumin is the only way out of this dress. You slowly walk over to the closed bathroom door and sigh almost silently, if there was one single thing you want to avoid it was most likely going to be anymore sexual tension between you and said Jumin. There's a limit to how much sexual tension a human can take, so this time you knock, not wanting to walk in on him naked or beating the living shit out of his dick.
The deep, 'Mhmm' that came out of Jumin's mouth didn't help though, it still sent butterflies into your stomach.

When you walked into the bathroom, Jumin was still shirtless and the sexual tension was still there. His hair was ruffled in a messy, but sexy way and his eyes still had that glint in them. You'd prefer to melt on the spot but bets on that Jumin would be arrested for suspicion of murder this time because you will never be found. You run a hand through your hair and clear your throat a little bit.
"Hey," You push out in a much higher voice than anticipated. Okay what the fuck. A smirk makes its way into Jumin's perfect face as his eyes look you up and down.

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