Chapter Twenty Nine : I'm sorry

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I was sat at my desk with a few files I had to catch up on, these were assigned to me during my shift today. At the time, I was alright with helping out on the case, but now I realise that I have way more than enough cases to work on. I sighed, the things I do to myself. I wasn't even paying attention when my bedroom door burst open, I jumped and turned around but before I could do anything, Yoosung had managed to tie something over my mouth.
I tried to take it off myself but my hands were also tied up. Honestly, these guys... I was just working on something I really needed to finish. But of course, I get interrupted by a group of four males.

All of them had brought a chair and surrounded themselves around mine. Saeran stepped forward and ripped the tape off my mouth, causing me to wince a little. "Alright. Tell me what's going on." I said, eyeing everyone in here with a dark look. No one replied and I sighed with exhaustion clearly present in my voice. "Guys. What the fuck are you doing?"

Jumin moves his chair forward with a worried smile on his face, "So..." He began and I sighed again. "I need your help. A lot."

I tilt my head to side and look around my room, giving each human a glare. "And you all had to swarm into my room, tie me up and surround me in order to ask for help?" I question, chuckling dryly. "Am I that unapproachable?"

Jumin immediately points to Yoosung, "So this was his idea."

Yoosung immediately shakes his head with a small blush on his face. Yes, definitely his idea... but definitely not fully. "Actually no! Jumin had messaged Saeyoung saying that we needed to convince you about something and I saw it in a video game one that interrogation is a way of getting answers!" Yoosung yells a little, "So it wasn't exactly my idea!"

No, of course it wasn't. "Well you're doing an extremely bad job of it, the lot of you." I pointed out. "You're supposed to be the one asking questions, not me..." I sigh when Jumin crosses his arms.

"Jaehee, why don't you like the idea of Y/N and Jumin dating?" Saeran has asked. A small part of me is a little happy that they began asking questions, not because I'd want to be interrogated of course not, but because I want them to leave. I have work to catch up on and finish.

"Are you seriously telling me that you did all of this, just to ask me about a question which has very clear answers?" There is no point in this, absolutely none. I would actually prefer to go back to work.

"Jaehee for the both of us, please just answer the question." What does he mean for the both of us? Was he forced into this? I'm guessing he was and it was by Saeyoung.

I roll my eyes, telling them that I really do not want to be in this situation. "Well lets start from the beginning, it's an illegal relationship. Not only could Jumin lose his job, he could also be added onto the sex offenders list."

"Well actually, that's where you're wrong." Saeyoung finally speaks up and I shoot him a questioning look. "Y/N is indeed nineteen years old, so she's definitely not a minor. There is no rule or law anywhere that says a teacher cannot date a student. If Y/N was a minor, this whole thing would be different. But it isn't, so by law, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it."
Saeyoung was right and I hate to admit that right now.

"It's still wrong, is it not?" I shoot back.

This time, Jumin asks a question. "But why?" Why? Hm... I can't really- hang on for a second.

I eye him up and down, "Why are you all of a sudden wanting an explanation? What's gotten you so hooked up on the topic of me agreeing to the two of you dating?" But, I didn't get an answer.

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