Chapter Fourteen : What did Sarah do ?

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"Alright hun, it's a new school! Aren't you excited?" Your Mother asked and you shrugged, shaking your head. "But why?"

"Because I hate change, you know this... yet you still made me move school even though I was perfectly fine with travelling." You replied, swatting your mother's hand away. "I'm not wearing makeup, I'd rather show my face. Thanks." The relationship between you and your mother had never been close, but that wasn't your fault. In fact, it was very much her fault.
Ever since you were younger, her attention had been shone onto your older brother Zen, and that was still on the rare occasion that she even offered to pay attention. Both your parents work and have to travel for their jobs, so you barely saw them as it is.

"I'm not understanding your attitude." Your Mother says, sighing as she puts away her makeup bag. "It's just a new place, you can make new friends and-"

"But I had known Seulgi and Jisoo for years! You really cannot be serious? Are you just expecting me to move on?" You ask, folding your arms in an uncomfortable black blazer. Seulgi and Jisoo were like family to you, you loved them so much.

"Yes, Y/N. Now stop complaining, get your shoes on and go to school." Your Mother spat, causing you to laugh. "What's so funny?"

"What type of Mother are you?" You ask, while tying the laces on your shoes. "You're funny, see you whenever you get home." You said, walking out of the front room with your backpack and down the street.
Sure, the school was only around the corner but that doesn't change the fact that you just left Seulgi and Jisoo behind, you can't forgive your mum for that.

You walk into the school and walk upto the front office, "Uhm Hey? I'm a new student here..." You mumble with a smile, the lady at the desk greets you politely.

"Ah! Good morning, what's your name pet?" She asks. Come on, just breathe. You can do this, change isn't so bad.

"Y/N L/N." You say, proud of yourself that you didn't mess up. The lady nodded and typed something into her computer before handing you a schedule, "Ah thanks."

"If you turn down this corridor on the left, you should see your classroom on the right wall." She smiled and you nodded before walking to your classroom. You were stood outside the door for a few minutes and then you gained the confidence to knock, when you heard the teacher call you in, you entered.
"Are you the new transfer student?" He asked and you nodded, "Hiya! You're not too late don't worry, can you please introduce yourself  to the class!"

You smile widely, everyone seems so nice here. "Hey guys, my name is Y/N! Nice to meet you all." Everyone smiled back at you, including the majority of the males. When you were walking to you seat, a girl couldn't stop staring at you but you just assumed she was curious.
When she looked back at you smiled, yet she didn't smile. She scowled. You assumed that maybe she was just having a bad day, because for some people it happens and you were respectful of that.

But that was day one.


On day two, things went a whole lot differently. Maybe people came up to you and complimented you, they introduced themselves to you and they wanted to be friends with you, so you accepted. But that girl... she wasn't happy. "Hey, Y/N? Can I sit by you this lesson? We're doing partner work!" Someone had called out, but after that, someone else decided to ask.

"What about me? I'm good at this topic!" And then before you knew it, everyone but one person in the class wanted to sit next to you. "You're really pretty, y'know that?" You remember someone had said, and you had thanked them.

But the girl, who you learnt was Called Sarah Choi, wasn't happy with all the attention you were getting. When everyone had left your side, because the teacher had told them to, Sarah came up to your desk. "I don't know what gave you  the right to come here and start acting all innocent, but you do NOT deserve all of the attention you're getting." She spat, but you just stayed silent. "You don't want to cross me, Y/N. I'll ruin you."

Sarah wasn't very nice to you from here on either.


Day three was when everything fell apart, Sarah had started to constantly talk about you and mention things that you were too confident out to you. "So, Y/N. You know when you laugh, you kinda snort and I think that's really unattractive." She said that one the third day, but it got worse as class went on. "Your bag is so disgusting! Where did you by that then? K-Mart?" Her laugh filled the room and a few other people began to laugh.
That's what shocked you the most, the people that have been standing by you, slowly began to leave. They slowly began to go to Sarah.

Mina, however, she stayed. She had never liked Sarah and for once, you were beginning to dislike her too. "Hey, you alright?"

"Oh yeah? I'm okay." You said, but you lied.

You wanted to go home, But day four couldn't make that happen.


Day four was physical. Sarah had gotten a few of her friends to hurt you, and tell you all these mean things. "Just leave already! We don't want you here!" Things like that were said to you on a daily, you'd have people laughing at you everywhere you go. And then the death threats came in.

It had been about two months, Sarah had turned absolutely everyone against you except Mina. "Just die." Was the last thing you could remember on that day, because you ended up in hospital that night.
You listened to everyone, you listened to every single person that wanted you gone and well... you tried to leave.

And Sarah laughed when you came back to school, she laughed. And that's what sucked, she laughed.

The sad thing is, this isn't everything. Oh no, of course it isn't. If it was everything you'd probably stopped reading from here on... but it still sucks. Because before this, you may ask 'What did Sarah do?' 

This... this is what Sarah did.

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