Chapter Twenty Four : Just a toy

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You slowly fluttered your eyes open, squinting a little at the faint light. The room was still spinning slightly but your eyes still manage to adjust to where you are.
But why were you here?
You place your hands on your head, sitting up as you did so. Your head was pounding, but you didn't realise that Jumin's hand softly landed on the pillow. He was holding onto you.

You groan in pain, placing your head in your hands. You can barely remember what happened, so you were super confused as to why you were lay in Jumin's bed. You look to your right and freeze. Jumin was fast asleep next to you, his face looked so peaceful... his right arm was lay across his forehead, giving you the impression that he fell asleep involuntarily.
A warm feeling spread to your chest as you look at him, his long lashes create small shadows on his cheeks and his lips are slightly parted. His chest moved very rhythmically as he slept in a peaceful, deep sleep.
He seemed less stressed than he did in the bathroom, that made you a little happier. But the pain in your head increased with every second. You turn to the clock and read the time, it's currently 12:30. Yoosung would be back in three hours, he had some sort of class on today.

You slide Jumin's hand into yours and gently caress his hand with your thumb, thinking. Your head was pounding, but the rest of you felt weird. You knew you weren't sick because you only feel like this around Jumin. Every time he looks at you, something inside you starts to tick and you don't know what. You look down at your body, realising that you were wearing Jumin's shirt from before. Yet, you weren't angry. On the bright side, Jumin wasn't naked. He was just shirtless. "Looks like you changed my outfit too..." You mutter, but tense up when Jumin caressed your hand back.

"Good afternoon." He says, smiling at you. "How you feeling?"

"My head feels like you just hit it with a real big sledgehammer, but keep on tapping against the same spot." You said. "It really hurts."

"Well you hit your head pretty goddamn hard," Jumin said, sighing afterwards. "And yeah, I changed your outfit because you had started to bleed and there was blood all down the back of your shirt..."

"Jeez." You say. "Thank you..." Jumin chuckles, sitting up. He places his head against your shoulder and you relax, you had no idea what it was but he made everything fade away. It was as if every bad memory and thought had melted away because of him and his presence.
You stayed silent and just stared at your feet, not wanting to say anything. You didn't even know what to say, that was the problem.

"What're you thinking about?" Jumin asked and you shook your head slowly, cringing at the pain. "Hey, be careful."

"Y-yeah..." You mutter and Jumin continued to rub your hand gently, sending waves of safety through your entire body. The man you hated at the beginning, was slowly impacting your life more than what you originally thought he would.

"If it helps any, I closed my eyes while undressing you.." He whispers and you smile a little, nodding. "Because just like you, I do care about privacy." You look around the room and your eyes land on a tub of paracetamol.

"Did I take some medication?" You asked, and Jumin nodded against your shoulder, causing a slight pain to shoot into your head. "Fuck.." You mutter, Jumin lifts his head up and frowns.

"Ah... sorry," He says, "But you don't remember taking them?" You shook your head. "Guess you hit your head really hard. Alright, lay down." You nodded and lay down, placing your head against Jumin's bare chest.
Actually no, you really didn't remember. The last thing you remember was falling, you frown at the idea of losing memory. What did you miss?

"How long was I out?" You say in a weak voice, trying your best not hurt your head.

"For a while, I gave you some medication when you woke up a few hours ago, but you fell asleep again. I couldn't stop you but I was really afraid you wouldn't wake up," He explains and you sigh. "But don't feel bad. It's alright." You smile against his chest, extremely thankful for what he did. You wish you knew why you were feeling this way around him at the moment, it wasn't happiness. It was a completely different thing, but you had no idea where it came from.
Half a month ago, you remembered your first day of school. You were caught texting, and Jumin didn't seem too happy with you on that day. But now... instead of being somewhat enemies, you're closer than ever. And you really don't understand how it happened. "Y/N? I have a question." Jumin says and you hum. "Do you remember the first day we kissed?"

"Yeah... why would I forget?" You reply, and Jumin exhales slowly.

"Do you remember what you said? 'You're not who you portray to be'?" He said and you tensed up.
You didn't think that he'd remember that, and to be honest, you were beginning to forget yourself. "What did you mean by that?"

At the time, the sentence should've never ever left your mouth. You were full of emotions at the time and remembering it now makes you want to throw yourself off a cliff and let the ocean swallow you whole. When you stayed silent, Jumin sighed. "Come on, I want to know." His voice was smooth and even, so you knew he meant no harm.

"It doesn't matter." You mutter, hoping that he'd drop the subject. But, to your luck, he didn't.

"Tell me." He laughs, being careful not to move too much because he didn't want to hurt you. "Come onnn~" After a few minutes of begging and teasing you for you to tell him.
You gave in.

"Alright... Fine." You say quietly, making sure you weren't looking at his face. You sat up slowly and sighed. "I used to think that you were just like everyone else... by that I mean, they thought I was just a toy they could use and throw away as soon as they were bored with me. That's what I thought you were... I thought that you were just really teasing me for your amusement and nothing else. As if I was just a game you could play and throw away when it got boring." The room fell silent and Jumin moved to sit in front of you, and stared into your eyes.

All the playful looks in his face had melted away, and it was replaced with a shocked face. "Tell me princess, what changed that thought?" He asked quietly. He was looking into your eyes with a curious shimmer in them, but you looked away, not wanting to make any eye contact with him at the moment.

"The notebook of yours..." You whispered, feeling tears brim in your eyes. You didn't want to cry, but you had no idea what was coming over you. You had no idea why you were so emotional either. "I saw your drawing and descriptions of friends and family... I saw how much emotions you actually hold back and lock away. You're not some playboy that uses women for your own pleasure... you're a real nice human being with a big heart and a smile that brightens up the room and..." You stop talking, letting the tears fall. You wipe them away slowly, sighing as you did so. "And honestly, that's a beautiful thing. Not just- just your smile but your heart.."

Jumin just say there staring at you, causing your brain to immediately think that was a bad thing. At least that was until he smiled a little, "Y'know... at the beginning, it may have been a tiny bit physical. I just wanted to see you angry." He whispers, you look at him with tear blurred vision but you could tell he was blushing a little. "But now... it's not."
He takes your hand and places it on his chest, and you tense up a little bit. Your hand is on his heart. "You're the one that's changing this, changing me."

He gently placed his forehead against yours, this time, you didn't feel any pain. "Jumin Han... I'd kiss you but it hurts to move," Jumin chuckled and kissed you instead.

"How about we both take a nap for a few hours, yeah?" He suggests and you nod, laying down. Jumin lays next to you and places your head onto his chest. You close your eyes and smile, Jumin was making you the happiest you've ever been and you're finally admitting to it.
For once, you didn't want to move. You just wanted to lay here. Jumin wrapped his hand around your waist and slowly, you both drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

Look it's cute

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