Chapter Fifteen : Protection

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It was one of those nights where everyone decided to agree on a movie. Not everyone is usually home around this time, but today they are. And Yoosung wasn't going to live this down, "I'm putting sinister on, fight me." Everyone agreed after some debate, but Yoosung has put the movie on. You weren't expecting this though, Yoosung didn't seem like the guy to enjoy horror movies.
He seemed like a sweetheart that just played video games when he was home, but oh. Oh no. Saeyoung and Saeran and leaning on each other on the sofa, they both look extremely bored and exhausted. Jaehee and Zen were asleep on the recliner, that worried you only because a recliner is meant for one person. Not two.

Yoosung was lay on the floor next to you sleeping soundly, and your teacher was falling asleep underneath the TV. By the looks of it, you were the only person who was actually scared of this movie. Tonight you were planning on finding blackmail in Jumin's room to keep him off your back during school. You were extremely close to finding something, you had to be.
You've also come to the conclusion that if this notebook isn't in his desk drawers, it's here. It has to be.

The ride on the way home was a little quiet and uncomfortable for you. Not only were you emotional, you were just extremely bad in social situations and no matter how many times Jumin asked if you were okay, you passed it off and sighed.
So far, the plan on finding something is working well. If all the guys were sleepy or sleeping, then you wouldn't have to answer the question of, "Where are you going?" Which would help you a lot more than you had originally thought. You diverted your gaze from a sleepy Jumin to the TV screen and cringe horribly, the main character was going through tapes he'd found and what was recorded was terrifying. You tried your very hardest not to shake or tear up, but it was official, sleeping would be extremely difficult.

You really wished that Yoosung had chosen another movie, a funnier one. Or heck, maybe a TV show like Brooklyn Nine Nine , basically anything other than this.
Something made a loud crash on the TV and you jumped a little, screaming ever so quietly. You froze. If someone had woken up then you would've ruined your chance, when no one moved you relaxed a little. But then Jumin sat up.
You looked at him with concerned eyes but he stared at you with the same look, and then looked at the TV before asking, "Are you okay?" His voice was a little groggy too, but that's because he hadn't been talking for a while.

You were about to nod and tell him that all's well, but another jump scare happened and you started to shake again, before placing your head into your knees. Warm and comforting hands wrapped around you, "Y/N?" You didn't even say anything, you just shook your head. And Jumin chuckled a little.

Don't laugh at me you asshole I swear to god.

"Alright, let's go." He said, helping you up. He slides his hand in yours and squeezes it tightly, you didn't pull your hand away, instead you felt safe. Jumin Han made you feel safe. He takes you back to your bedroom but you hear something from behind you and jump a little. "It's not real, there's absolutely nothing in this house besides Saeran that's going to get you." He says reassuringly, but it didn't help much. "Come on, it wasn't that bad. Why are you-"

"I just... I can't." You say, staring at the floor. Jumin didn't push on, instead he stayed silent. When you were in your room, Jumin turned to you and looked in your eyes and it was as if everything around you disappeared. Your plan has disappeared, your fear. Everything. And then you snap back into reality.

"Are you going to be alright alone? If I have to, I'll go wake Zen up." Jumin said and you shook your head.

"I-I'll be okay, I'll be fine." You smiled. Jumin was probably judging you mentally, but you ignored It. You didn't want to feel judged right now, but you were still scared.

"Alrighty, goodnight." He said before leaving to go to his room. You stood there until his door had gently closed shut.
And now you were alone.
Everything was so much scarier when you were alone.

You haven't actually realised how loud the house was at night until now. There were random thuds from down the hall and squeaks coming from opposite the hall. Yes, the lights were on and the curtains were still open but you were still afraid that something was going to jump out at you from behind, or something was going to kidnap you to tie you up and set you on fire.
You were beyond afraid but you didn't want to worry anyone. You couldn't.
You pulled your hood over your head and sat down in the corner, trying to tune out any noises. But the longer you were alone, the louder they got. The thuds and squeaks because unbearably close and loud, causing you to shake even more than you ready were.

You were about seven, and Zen was about eleven. There wasn't much between you but he definitely knew how to scare you. "Hey! Y/N?" He had called out.

"Mhmm!" You called back, coming into his room while holding your favourite stuffed animal.

"Listen to this!" He says, in his usual cheerful voice. "Do y'know When you're alone right? And you feel like you should run for no reason? Well, yeah. Don't run! If you run, they get you and that's scary!" You were so young.

You feel as if you should run, but you remembered what Zen told you when you were younger. There was nothing there, right? So you shouldn't run... but you had to. You needed to. "Jumin..." You whispered, hoping he could hear you.
As if on cue your bathroom door opened, revealing a shirtless Jumin. "Did you- Are you Alright?" Jumin asked, rushing over to your side.

You wanted to say strong, you didn't want to cry. But you broke down in sobs, "I-I'm sorry... I-in So-" Jumin didn't hesitate, he carried you in his arms and took you to his room.

"Hey hey, you're gonna be okay in here. You're all safe now, I promise." He lay you on the bed and lay beside you, smiling to himself when you cuddled closer to him. You stopped shaking and stopped crying, then begin to fall asleep. But you were still awake when Jumin murmured, "Sleep well princess... I've got you."

Nearly 5am. Enjoy~

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