Chapter Twenty Three: Clumsy B*stard

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You were cleaning away a few books when you heard, "Argh! Shit-" Coming from the bathroom. You slid the books into the correct places before slowly walking to the bathroom door. "Fuck!" You jumped this time, not expecting the loud yell.
But at the same time, you walk closer to the door and knock gently.

"Jumin...?" You call in, but you didn't receive a verbal answer. Instead, the door opened. You looked at the man stood in front of you. He had his left leg raised off of the floor and the bath was full behind him. You raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"I slipped and twisted my ankle, I'm seriously struggling-" He muttered and you hold back a laugh.
Jumin Han was not just a teacher, he was an extremely hot and clumsy teacher. That's new.
You stare at him with a shocked face, then look behind him. You couldn't see anything that could assist him in falling.

"You fell." You mutter, "You actually, genuinely did-"

"Look, I get it okay? Can you... just help?" Jumin asked, trying his hardest to keep balance. You look into his beautiful, grey eyes and see something besides lust, besides a yearning. You see a small and frail Jumin who's invulnerable, he doesn't want to be hurt. He doesn't want to ask for help either.
Jumin has always been an independent man, whether he'd like to admit that or not. "Y/N?"

"O-oh... Yeah, sorry." You say, blushing a little. You step forward and help him over to the toilet, once he sits down on the toilet, he doesn't say anything. He just stares at his ankle. "How did this even happen...?"

"Some water spilt on the floor, and I slipped on that." Jumin responder with before sighing. "All I wanted was to take bath, how is this fair?" He murmurs.

"Hang on." You say. You walk out of the bathroom and into your room, once you're there, you grab a towel from your drawer and walk back into the bathroom. "I didn't expect you to be the clumsy type." You mutter while drying the floor, making sure that every last bit of water was dried up.
You were pretty sure that every single human being on earth knew that slipping on water on a tiled floor can lead to many injuries. Some a extremely serious and others are not, just like this one.

"Neither did I." Jumin said, "But oh well, life works weirdly." You nod in agreement while folding up the towel and placing it onto the counter next to the sink. A weird silence fell over the two of you and just as you were about to leave, Jumin said something. "Y/N... I can't take off my pants."

You stand in the doorway, very still. You were aware it was just his pants, but if he's struggling to take off his tracksuit bottoms then he's going to struggle with underwear. You turn around slowly to face the teacher that asked for help, and this time it was embarrassment in his eyes. You're holding back a sigh.
There he is, genuinely struggling to take off his pants. His hips are straining off of the toilet seat and his back is against the tank at the back, Jumin pulls at his pants but because of his ankle, he can't move them very far. For a second or two, you stand there and watch him. Distress is written across his face in big, bold letters.
You feel rather bad for him.
He looked at you again, "Please Help..." He whispers and you nod slightly.

You walk over and help the dark haired male take off his pants, once they were off, you folded them up and placed them on the towel. To see vulnerability in someone like Jumin's eyes... it's not only a weird feeling, it's kind of nice. You don't get to see that everyday and when you do, it's gone as quick as it happened. But not here. "Please be careful next time, okay?" But you didn't get an answer, "Jumin?"

"Y/N." He whispered, "I can't take off my boxers..." He said the last part so quietly that you struggled to hear it. But you knew very well what he had said.
You looked over at him again, and it was the same sight as before. His hips were strained up and with every tug, his right foot gave out and his left foot was on the floor again.

Mr. Han || J.HOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora