Chapter Nineteen : Rules

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Do you remember that time when you're older brother looked you in the eye with a grin on his face and said, "By the looks of it, you're fucked beyond words now."? At the time, you didn't think much of it, but now. He was right. Zen was oh so correct.
Well I'm going to die.
Wouldn't be too bad.
Your mind was already mess just because you've just managed to somehow get a half naked Jumin lock his bedroom door with you inside the bedroom, but somehow, you still manage to make up some sort of plan to get out of there. After all, your job is half complete right? You returned the book, you just got caught while doing it. But only you could do that, only you could be the only living human being to even manage to get caught while returning a book. People would understand if it was a phone or a laptop, but no. You got caught returning one of the most simplest things ever, a goddamn notebook. You really nailed this, didn't you?

Your original plan was to run to the bathroom door, pass through the bathroom and go to the safety of your own room. If you managed to successfully complete that, you might just be able to escape the extremely hot man slowly walking towards you, with his slender fingers going through his dark hair which was intentionally making his shirt open even wider than it already was. You had to pry your eyes away from he chest, sure he may have been pale but damn... he was definitely well built.
You tried your best to ignore him and jumped up, you lunge past Jumin and try to make a break for the bathroom. With a huff, you collide with the wooden door and sigh.
Of course it was locked, why did you sit there for a second and think that Mr. Jumin Han wouldn't lock the bathroom door? Of course he would! He wants you, Y/N!

The bastard planned this all, didn't he?
"I kept on thinking the same question. When would little ol' Y/N find the courage to bring it back?" Jumin says, finding this a some sort of perfect time to have a nice, civilised conversation. Well he was wrong, this wasn't the perfect time at all. "It was getting boring sitting in there. The steam from the shower was making it very hot and sticky too, I don't think you understand how glad I was to hear my bedroom door close." His voice was getting closer and closer with each word, and that meant, with each word, your heart was beating faster and faster. You were afraid that when you turned around, he would be inches away from your face. You can practically feel his body heat from across the room, it was like a warning. If you got caught, you'd be punished.
Well fuck, isn't now the time to make the decision of not getting caught?
Your breath hitches in your throat at the small thought of what Jumin would do to you, but still...
You kind of what to find out what he'd do to you.
First of all, get your goddamn head in the game!
But you were right... getting caught wouldn't be this bad.

"What, did you think I wouldn't notice, Y/N?" Jumin's voice was unbelievably sweet and soft, unlike his intentions.
Finally, you make the decision to turn around so you can see where he is in the room. You let out a small sigh of relief when you see that he's close, but definitely not close enough. "That wasn't a smart though, my dear. You seem to forget I bring that everywhere with me. I'm sure you haven't noticed but, I saw you look for it at school so when it was gone... only you could've taken it."
Damn it, just get out!

"Jumin, we can... we can sort this out, we can talk-" You were cut off by laughter, and you sighed. Your plan had obviously failed, as if Jumin was actually going to agree that the two of you could sort this out easily. That was a stupid idea, actually... another point on for you being an idiot. Well done.

Jumin stops walking towards you and shoves his hands into his jean pockets, of course that caused them to fall way lower. You saw that they even brought the tight boxers down too, you bit the inside of your cheek when you saw skin too. "Aw, you're trying to distract me? That's super cute... kitten." Jumin purrs and smirks, causing your stomach do to more than just one flip. To word it, your stomach did about a thousand flips.

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