Chapter Thirteen : Memories

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"Hi! I'm the new student, Y/N. Nice to meet all of you." You had said and everyone welcome you nicely except one girl. At the time, you had figured that maybe she was just having a bad day. You heard a few whispers here and there as you went to sit down in your seat.
When you were concentrating on your work, a few notes were on your desk.

You're really pretty!
Nice to see you here!
Go back to where you came from.

That's where it started. Sarah hated you And she didn't even know you, that was the sad part. Everyday you were here, she'd find something to either comment on or drive you crazy, and you still had no idea why. Maybe one day, it was the way you laughed it the next day something was wrong with your hair.
Heck, maybe it was your bag. Maybe it wasn't 'as expensive as hers'. Whatever it was, she called you out on it every single day and your confidence levels fell with every comment.

She wanted you gone, and one day you really were willing to try.

You snapped back into reality and wiped away a few loose tears, sighing as you did so. Mr. Han was looking at you with an extremely worried face, but you smiled, assuring him that you were okay. "Are you alright?" He mouthed, and you read it perfectly. But you didn't reply, you just stared at him with an empty face. And then you looked away.

Your music couldn't be turned up too loud, so every time Sarah spoke, you heard her voice loud and clearly. "Can you help me with this?" Or "I don't understand this sir, please." You wanted to hit your head off the wall and put yourself into a temporary coma, but all you could do was stare at the clock and wish for detention to be over.
As you watch the clock, the minute god by slower and slower. And eventually, even the music was annoying you. You ripped your earphones out and slammed them onto the desk. Mr. Han abandoned Sarah for a second and quickly made his way over to you, "What's the matter?" His voice was genuinely concerned too. Were you really just a toy to him? Or was something else there?

"I'm- I'm going to stand outside..." You spit out, walking out of the classroom silently. Luckily, you brought your phone with you.

Y/N😴: Are you free to talk ??

Zen💀: you never ask that, what's happened today at school then?

Y/N😴: Sarah. Just Sarah Choi and her stupid self. I'm stood outside of Jumin's classroom trying my hardest not to break down and cry because of her stupid antics. She hurt me and I can't forget it and I'm sorry

Zen💀: she got moved to ur detention room?
Zen💀: okay listen to me, I know you're not gonna be able to either reply or stay for long but trust me, you're going to me okay. Just close your eyes and breathe, stay as far away from 'it' as possible
Zen💀: alright little sis, you got this and ily

You smiled a little at Zen's messages. They didn't seem like much to other people, but to you they meant a lot. You put your phone away and leant against the wall, controlling your breathing. "Alright princess, what's the matter?" Mr. Han was stood against the closed door, looking at you with a concerned look.


"What did Sarah do? Is she really annoying you that much?" He questioned and you shake your head.

"It's not that she's annoying me, well okay yes she is but it's not that." You began, hesitating a little. Were you really going to tell Jumin Han about this? "She bullied me, and she most likely still does. Which is why I'm so afraid of being around her alone, I guess. Sorry for, uh... storming out like this."

Mr. Han looked at you with a sympathetic look. This was a look you hadn't seen on him before, he was usually smirking or laughing. But not sympathetic. "Alright I understand that, and no need to apologise. It's alright." Mr. Han looked at his watch. "There are only a few minutes left, so let's go back in there, okay?" He said and you nodded, smiling a little.

When you walk back inside, Sarah shoots you an evil look. You brush her off and walk back to your desk to take a seat. When you look at the clock, there is indeed only a minute left. Sarah stands up and walks by your desk, "Oops." She says, knocking off your pencil case. Your pens and pencils scatter across the floor, you just stare at the mess.
You sigh deeply and place your head in your arms, trying your best to ignore the sound of Sarah's laugh. You look up and see Mr. Han giving Sarah a look of disgust and disappointment, but her laugh doesn't stop. As soon as the bell rings, Sarah takes a seat on a desk at the front and lingers behind.

Please just leave already.

"Ms. Choi, detentions over. You can go home." Mr. Han says, but Sarah doesn't move. "Sarah. I'll report you to the office, you need to leave." She finally got the message, she left.

"Bye sir~" When Sarah leaves, you get up from your seat and begin to pick up the pencils she knocked off. But you're lucky, you're so very lucky right? A pencil rolls underneath the cabinet and you groan. "Fantastic." You mutter, trying to reach for the pencil. You drop to your knees and stick your arm under the cabinet, trying to reach.
But every time you had a grip, you let go and pushed it further by accident. You extend your arm as far as it can go and reach into the eraser and pull it out. "Finally." You smiled a little and held it close, but then you turned around.

Jumin is sat on a chair behind you with his legs spread, he's watching you with a smirk on his face. You blush and try to scoot backwards, only hitting your head on the cabinet behind you. Jumin spread his legs even wider and traps you where you're sat, at this point, giving in would be the better option. You didn't really have any place to go, or anywhere to look. His jean zipper was almost inches away from your face,  and you were sure that you're breath could be felt elsewhere. "Sorry, seems to be the wrong time to say this but," Jumin's voice was smooth again, you knew where this was going. "I honestly didn't think you'd get on your knees this quickly."

"I- I... Uhm..." You were still emotional from before so forming a sentence isn't exactly going to be easy. "I.."

"Wouldn't? But... we're in this position, aren't we?" Jumin smirks, and shakes his head lightly. "I'm up here, all comfortable on a chair. When you're down there on your knees."

"It wasn't intentional... I..." You were losing sense of talking again. Jumin has always managed to have this affect on you previously, but the fact that you were still emotional made it worse. "Can I get up?"

"What's the word, kitten?" Jumin asked and you tried your hardest to say something. But Jumin's smirk just didn't help at all. You were at loss for words, "Well?"

"Please can I get up...?" You asked, smiling a little. You didn't have the energy to fight. You smiled even wider when Jumin moved away really quickly and helped you up.

"It's nice when you use manners, I knew there was a polite side to you." Jumin said, putting away an eraser that had fallen near him. "Anyways, I held you back longer for a reason. We're going to the same place right? Come on, I'll give you a ride." Jumin offered.

But you just??
How can you go from one mood to another? ARE YOU EVEN HUMAN?!

"Its Fine, I can walk." You said, putting your jacket on. Jumin shook his head.

"Come on, no ones gonna question it princess. If that's what you're worried about of course," You sighed, "Giving in?"

"Fine, okay. I'll let you give me a ride but only once!" You say, laughing a little.

Jumin smirks, "Fantastic."

What're you doing to me, Jumin Han?

I honestly think wattpad at this point is what's keeping me sane, but have this really bad update..

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