Sniper X Reader

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(Danke to BlaiseThyLazy for giving me the idea to do this and the material. :3 luv chu fren. Thanks to FyrenBrimstone for reviewing the material. :3 luv chu too fren. Now enjoy~)

Your P.O.V.

My friend/coworker and I were texting each other on the phone after I had fallen out of bed.

(Y/N); hey wassup.

(Friend); Nothing. still being glued to the bed by Heavy...the cat.

(Y/N); aww. well, be glad that it's the cat and not the real thing. you'd be ded

(F); Very dead.

I giggle and check the time. Oh. Oh, he's dead.

(Y/N); yup. speaking of, so is Sniper if his ass isn't here in the next five seconds. he fUCKING SAID THAT HE'D SEE ME AFTER BATTLE

Which was true. This morning, after breakfast, he said he'd see me as soon as he was back here. I knew the battle was long over by now, so he was late. I don't particularly like a late man.

(F); I can hear someone downstairs. I think it might be Sniper. I dunno

(Y/N); okies. bai bai, off to kill a koala!

I turn off my phone and get up, dusting myself off a bit and fixing my hair and outfit before walking outside my room. I find Sniper in the hallway, looking around for something. I walk up to him.

"You okay?" He jumped at the sound of my voice, then turned and smiled down at me.

"Oh, hey cutie. How was your day?~" He grinned. I felt myself getting wet already at his husky voice, but I had to stay strong. I grabbed his collar and dragged him down to my height.

"You're fucking late." I hissed, seething with anger. He seemed calm enough, though.

"Sorry, I accidentally cut myself with my kukri after battle. I had to put a bandage on it." He took my hand off his shirt. I cross my arms and look at him angrily.

"I could've done that for you. Cutting yourself is no excuse. Hell, you could've gotten Medic to give you a quick heal once you got off the field. Any other excuses?" He smiles and shakes his head.

"He was busy, my little koala." He kisses me. I blush, but I don't kiss back. He separates the kiss and smirks.

"Aww, come onnn~" I glared at him.

"NO! You were late! You could've at least told me you were going to be late earlier..." He pouts at me.

"I'm sorry..." I roll my eyes and sigh.

"It's fine...I guess..." He cheers up immediately. Of course, he was faking it. What does it matter, he's here now.

"So whaddya wanna do?" I shrug at his question.

"I dunno, what do you wanna do?" He boops my nose lightly.

"Maybe watch a movie?" I consider this for a moment, then nod and smile softly.

"Sounds like fun." We walk over to his room. He closes the door while I look around. I've never really been in here. It was cosy and mostly wooden, and he had a queen sized bed covered in a handmade quilt. I smiled softly.

'Cute...' I thought. He hugged me from behind.

"So where do you wanna sit?" I giggle and turn to face him.

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