3. Lady and The Tramp

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I checked my phone for what seemed like the hundredth time. Only a minute had passed. "Two o' clock needs to come sooner." I mumbled, locking my phone back. I spend all day and night working on that damn report and my professor decides to postpone class at the last minute. College was so aggravating at times.

At least Georgia State had a beautiful campus. It wasn't too hot and wasn't too cold today. It was perfect. Well, weather wise anyway. My eyes fell from the cloudy sky to the vibrating phone on my lap. Adriana's name flashed on the screen and a small smile instantly appeared on my face.

It was just a simple text. Good afternoon. Hope you're having a good day. I sent a quick reply wishing her the same. It was the little things she did that made me appreciate our relationship. Although I'd never thought I see myself in a relationship with another woman. Well, as they say never say never.

I found myself looking up at the sky again. The sun was starting to peek out from the clouds. Before I had the chance to continue my cloud watching a bright light reflected in my eyes. The light came from a sleek black car that just parked in the lot across from her. Nice taste. I could appreciate a nice car when I saw one. Even though I hadn't been attending GSU for long, I was still familiar with most of the cars that were around during my class times. I wasn't familiar with this one.

The windows were tinted, which kept me from identifying the driver any sooner. My eyes kept a steady gaze on the car as I waited for the driver to exit. A tall, lanky tattooed figure emerged from the car in a matter of minutes. He looked familiar. Really familiar... And then it clicked. "The guy from the club last week." I mumbled, still looking in his direction.

Isis would have given me hell for even forgetting the guy. I cringed slightly, remembering the lecture I received after the encounter. Isis wasn't against my relationship with Adriana, but she wasn't a big fan either. She always kept it respectful though, never over stepping her bounds.

I didn't realize my eyes had fell until I looked back up. And what a sight I was looking into. My eyes ending up locking with my.. well, what could I call him? Admirer? Yeah, lets go with that. Our eyes locked if only for a second. He kept his gaze fixed on my face, that same cocky smirk etched on his lips. Within a few short minutes he was towering over me, that damn smirk still on his face.

"Wassup, ma?"

"My name isn't "ma". I said, pursing my lips. I didn't hear it that night, but he had a strong New Orleans accent. I thought it was sexy as fuck, but I wasn't going to let him know that.

He shrugged, seeming unnerved. "Well, I would call you by your name, but you wasn't letting a nigga have it."

"Even Tramp introduced himself to Lady before he whisked her away into the city."

His eyebrows arched at my comment. "You comparing me to a dog?" I shrugged. "If the shoe fits." He had to be offended. Most of the men that approached her were by now. He'd be calling me a bitch and saying how he didn't want me anyway in a few seconds. Nothing new.

To my surprise he did neither. He gave a completely different reaction from what I expected. He chuckled. "Well, I can't even lie and say I've been a perfect gentleman my whole life." He replied, digging his hands in his pockets. "I've been called worse."

"At least you're honest."

"Thanks, ma. Now you gonna tell me you're name or nah?"

"Nah." I answered, smirking a little. "You good."

He didn't answer at first. Instead he tilted his head a bit and looked beside me. I was confused until he spoke again. "Why you so apprehensive, Ms.Owens?" I was about to ask how, but then I remembered. My student ID was hanging off my bag, looking over at said bag I noticed my first name was hidden by a strap.

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