33. Your Love

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Mariya's POV

"Almost done, auntie?"

"Yup, baby. Almost done."

I was currently in the middle of braiding Chay's hair for her little "date". I was definitely surprised when she called my phone earlier this afternoon asking for a favor. Usually whenever my babies wanted to see me they always had Mama Sheila or Aug call me, but once Chay explained the situation I understood perfectly. Auggie would have blown a gasket if she told him. Making this lil innocent outing way bigger than it needed to be. That is why only me, Mama Sheila, Uncle Ace, Maya, and Kay knew. Uncle Auggie was left in the dark about this whole situation.

"Done, baby." I smiled as I leaned back and admired my . Two simple braids per her request. Still smiling I watched as Kay and Maya got up from their seats on the floor to inspect Chay's hair. I stared at them a little longer before grabbing my and putting it back on. It was one of the many birthday gifts Aug gave me, but definitely my favorite. Everyone swore up and down it was an engagement ring, but in reality it was just a simple promise ring. I must have been admiring it for a little too long because when I looked my babies were all staring at me with cheeky smiles.

"What are you three looking at?" I asked causing them to giggle.

"Uncle Ace said that's an engagement ring and that you and Uncle Aug are getting married soon." Kay explained. They all shared a look with each other before bursting out into another fit of giggles.

"Please don't believe everything your Uncle Ace tells you." I grumbled. That man was just as bad as August. "August and I aren't getting married anytime soon."

"But the sooner you guys get married the sooner you'll be our auntie for real." Kay exclaimed with a smile.

"I'm already your auntie for real, Kayden." I smiled, poking her cheek.

"Buuut it would be more official." She pressed. Leaning forward I grabbed onto Kay's cheeks and lightly squeezed them. It seemed like every time we the conversation flowed towards my relationship with their uncle these girls would throw out all these little hints about us being closer than we already were. It was cute, but also a little embarrassing. I smiled as Kayden tried to move my hands away from her cute little face.

"Do you want to marry our uncle?" Maya suddenly asked. The question was enough for me to drop my hands from Kay Kay's face and look around nervously. Before I knew it, all three of them were staring up at me with curious eyes and wide smiles as they awaited my answer.

"W-well, I...um..." I was struggling to find the right words to say and that only made the grins on their faces wider. These three little girls managed to bring me to a stuttering and embarrassed mess with a simple question. I guess I couldn't be too surprised considering August was their uncle.

"I think that's a yes!" Kay exclaimed.

"It's a maybe!" I managed to squeak out.

"It's a yes!" Maya joined in. Groaning I looked over at Chay and waited for her to join in on the madness. Just as she opened her mouth to do so, we heard the front door slam. "Yaya! Munchkins! Where y'all at?!" Aug's loud ass voiced filled our ears as we all shared a look. Chay's face had panic written all over it. "He's not supposed to be here until after seven." She grumbled. A sigh left my glossed lips as I looked at the pink clock that hung over their tv set. 6:30 was the time. August was a good half hour early. Although, I was a little happy for the interruption from this conversation.

"Don't worry, baby." I grabbed my iPhone from off of the dresser before getting off of the bed. Leaning down I placed a small kiss on Chay's forehead. "I'll handle your uncle while you get dressed. Kay and Maya, it's your job to help your sister while I'm gone. Got it?"

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