24. Play Date

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Mariya's POV

I looked in the mirror as I ran my fingers up and down the hickey on my neck. It looked more like a bruise than a love bite. It was huge and discolored and I just wanted to kill the person who gave it to me. August. "Ugh." I frowned, walking out of my bathroom and back to my room. I plopped down on my bed and laid back, staring up at the ceiling. It was already Monday and I was still thinking about what transpired between me and August at Onyx on Saturday. I honestly didn't know how to feel about what happened. Part of me was pissed about him just leaving me there, but then again maybe I deserved it.

Karma was a bitch.

Despite our strange encounter, I was happy about seeing him again. Our meeting wasn't how I pictured it would be, but at least everything was out in the open. Everything including our status. I wasn't really sure what to think at this point. Was he still mad at me? Did he still want me? Were we going to get back together? Were we even together in the first place? Those were the questions that floated around in my mind. I suppose calling him would be the smart thing to do, but I'd rather play dumb for a little while longer. The vibrating of my phone brought me out of my thoughts. With a tired sigh, I reached up and grabbed my phone, a surprised look appeared on my face as I looked at the caller ID. "Hey, Ms. Sheila." I greeted.

"Hey, baby. How are you?" She sounded happy, but something was a bit off in her voice. Cradling my phone to my ear, I sat up and pushed my hair back. "I'm good. You sound a bit different... Is everything alright?" I questioned. Her sigh made my frown grow even more. "Everything is alright. It's just the girls really miss you." She admitted. "They've been asking for you a lot."

I instantly felt bad. Since me and August fell out, I had been a no show around the girls and Ms. Sheila. I was sure August had told them we weren't on the best of terms, but they're still young. It was natural they didn't fully understand. "I'm sorry about that. It just seems weird being over there when.. you know." I frowned.

"I know, baby. Normally I wouldn't bother you, but Kay's been asking for you all day. Chay and Maya are at school so it's just her. Could you come see her for a little while?"

"Of course." I answered without even thinking. "I'll be over there soon. Please don't tell Kay yet. I wanna surprise her." I talked with Ms. Sheila little more before hanging up and getting ready.

I couldn't wait to see my baby.


Looking over my choice, I was probably a little over dressed to be visiting a child. In fact, I knew I was over dressed to be visiting a child. However, there was like a 50% chance August would be over there and if I did see him again, I wanted to look good. It seemed to be a wasted effort however, because August's car was nowhere in sight. Part of me was happy for that fact, because I had no idea what to say to him at the moment. Ms. Sheila must have heard me pull up since she was right at the door waiting for me. I gave her a bright smile and a hug as I greeted her. "It's nice to see you again."

"Nice to see you again too, beautiful." My face flushed slightly at her comment. I don't think I would ever get used to having her compliment me. "Where's my baby?" I asked, sitting my bag down. Ms. Sheila rolled her eyes and motioned to the kitchen. "That bad, huh?" I giggled. "Is she she pouting?"

"You got it. I told her if she keeps pouting her face would get stuck like that." I giggled again at the defeated look on her face. I hoped seeing me would put a smile on her face. As soon as we walked into the kitchen, I felt small arms wrap around my legs. "Auntie Yaya!" I looked down to see Kay Kay's cute little smiling face staring up at me. "Hi, baby." I smiled and bent down, taking her small body into my arms. "I missed you."

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