9. Close Encounters [Part 1]

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"Can we please play another game?" I mumbled. "I'm terrible at this game." I just couldn't understand how I could play poker, but not go fish. "You just wanna stop cause you're losing." Isis giggled. "You not slick, Mar Mar."

"And you just wanna keep playing cause you're winning." I replied. Instead of going out, me and Isis decided to stay in and chill. I wanted Liana to come, but she was cooped up with Sean. I wanted to tell her how I followed her advice. Well, half of it anyway.

"How's August?" Isis asked while shuffling the deck. Here we go again. "He's good. Almost finished with this assignment so I won't be seeing much of him anymore." I said. Professor Hawkins decided two weeks was enough for our little project. All that's left to do was type up an essay about our experience and we were done. No more August..

"Awww. Why not?" Isis whined. "That man is all types of fine. Lawd." Isis fanned herself and I only stared. "I don't know why you won't give him the time of day."

"I have a girlfriend, Isis. Adriana, remember?" I stressed. "Besides even if I didn't, I wouldn't be interested in August." Isis stopped her shuffling and looked up at me. "Liar."

"I'm not lying." I frowned. Isis only whistled and dealt out the cards. "Whatever you say, Mar Mar." She responded. "You two would look cute together though. I'm just sayin',"

"You don't like me with Adri?" I asked, picking up my cards. I knew Isis wasn't Adriana's biggest fan, but I didn't think she was against our relationship. "I like Adriana, love. I just wonder if you really have feelings for her sometimes." She stated while looking at her hand. "But let's not talk about that tonight. I wan't to keep back to kicking your ass."

I smiled and shook my head. Isis never did like serious conversations. She was always to quick to go back to the lighthearted stuff. I was always grateful for that side of her personality. "Isis, that's cheating." I mumbled.

"It's not cheating. You just don't know how to play." She giggled, laying down another card. I was about to retort when my phone started vibrating. I picked it up and looked at the name flashing across the screen. August. Speak of the Devil. "Hello." I answered. I was immediately met with his low laugh.

"Ya picked up on the first ring. You missed me, ma?" I snorted and rolled my eyes. "Hardly. What you want, Aug?" I looked over at Isis only to be met with her smiling face. Out of all the times he had to call. "Come ta this party with me."

"I can't. I'm hangin' with my bestie." I replied. I was hoping he'd leave it at that, but I guess I was asking for too much. "Trey comin' too. Bring Lil Vanilla Ice." I forgot he didn't take no for an answer.

"But we're pla-" Before I could finish, Isis grabbed the phone from me and put it to her ear. "Hi, August! How are you, darling?" I only sighed and layed down on the floor. There was no stopping her now. "A party? Of course! Just text the address and we'll be there." She gushed excitedly.

"Toodles!" She hung up my phone and sat it on the bed. "Mar Mar, get up! I want you showered and dressed by the time I come back!" Isis said while grabbing her own phone. "Oh, and I'm trusting you to do your makeup tonight. Don't disappoint me!"


The night air was warm and I was thankful for my choice of . Being sweaty at a party was not cute. At all. I lazily scrolled down Instagram while Isis fixed her lip gloss. "They need to hurry up." I mumbled. I heard Isis chuckle and my eyes immediately fell on her. "What?"

"Nothing. I just think it's cute how you can't wait to see Aug." She smiled and made kissy faces at me. I started to retort, but was cut off by someone wrapping their arms around me. My first reaction was to swing, but then I heard their voice. "Ya can't wait to see me, huh?" His deep voice filled my ear and I automatically turned around in his arms.

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