34. New Wounds and Old Wounds

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I often wondered how I ended up with friends like these. Here we were at the beach on a beautiful, sunny day and Mariya and Liana chose to be glued to their cellular devices. Surrounded by all this sand and water and they wanted to be glued to a damn screen. After all it was only so many times I could take selfies to show off this glorious body in this white one piece suit. "You guys are absolutely terrible." I complained. Mariya only glanced in my direction while Liana lifted her head completely to look at me. "Thank you, Lili. At least you had the decency to look up at me." I spoke, looking directly in Mar Mar's direction. I watched as she left out a huff before pressing the power button of her iPhone and looking towards me. "Now that I have your attention, can we do something fun? You guys are being so boring."

"Do you want to play football with the men?" Mar Mar asked, motioning toward them. Not too far away from our makeshift fort, our handsome beaus were playing game of beach football with some other men. Tremaine must have felt my stare on him because he turned and sent me a wink before turning his attention back to the game at hand. "No, but I want us to do something!"

"Why don't we talk? It's been a good minute since the three of us had some good, old fashioned girl talk." Liana suggested. Mariya seemed to perk up at her and adjusted the bottoms of her white bikini before sitting up on the beach chair. "I like that idea. Let's start with Icey. What's up with you and Tremaine?" She questioned. "And don't you dare get all secretive on us. I want the truth and nothing but!"

Rolling my eyes playfully at her eagerness, I laid back on my own beach chair and shrugged. "We're just ordinary people."

"Isis." Mar Mar pouted.

"Okay, okay. Don't give me that look." I mumbled, reaching over to pinch her cheek. "Summer Rains isn't the only one who can't resist it." Scrunching up her cute face, she shooed my hand away and waited for me to speak. "Trey and I are just..." I paused, trying to find the right words to use. "Taking it slow. Yeah. That's exactly what we're doing." Trey and I have discussed our status numerous times and we've both agreed that there's an unspoken bond between us, but he doesn't want to be tied down and neither do I. "We kinda belong to each other, but we still talk to other people." My last line was enough to have both Mariya and Liana shaking their heads.

"That makes no type of damn sense." Liana was the first to comment and I expected nothing less out of her. "So, you two admitted you have feelings for each other?"

"Correct." I nodded.

"And you claim each other in some type of way?"

I nodded once again.

"But you're not official and I'm assuming the both of you are still talking to other people?"

"Bingo! We have a winner!" I chuckled, causing Liana to frown. "Li, don't look at me like that. I know what I'm doing." She only waved me off and proceeded to brush away an invisible speck of lint from her black one piece.

"That makes no sense to me, Isis." Mariya piped in. "You don't get jealous? I know Tremaine does."

Her statement caused me to raise my perfectly arched brow. "And how do you know that? Are you and Tremaine having secret sleepovers and not inviting me? Hm?"

"Please." She rolled her eyes. "Just because you and Auggie are on the phone 24/7 doesn't mean I'm like that with Tremaine." She said, making me laugh. I took a shine to August the moment I met him and naturally he took one to me too. We've always been fond of talking to each other and Mariya hates it. She swears up and down August and I talk about her, but we don't. Well, not as often as she thinks. "Tell me what do Auggie, Tremaine, and Sean all have in common?" She asked.

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