14. Nothing Was The Same

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"So, what do you think?"


"Yeah. I want your honest opinion."

I was sitting across from the only person I could come to for advice. Liana. She was one of the people that knew her best. Well, besides Isis, but going to her was definitely not an option. She never said it aloud, but I knew she wasn't a big fan of mine. That was fine. As long as she respected me and my position with her best friend.

"Honestly, I think you were in the wrong. I mean, you have to understand where Riya's coming from." She admitted. " She wants to spend time with you, but she has school and you have work. And let's not forget she's not too fond of your line of work."

"But she met me at my job." I frowned, poking at my slice of cake. "I don't see why it's such a problem now. Mariya knew what she was getting herself into."

"It's different?" She stated, picking up her cup. Se took a sip of her coffee before looking back at me. "How would you feel if Mariya had your job? Dancing in lingerie for different men and women every night? Having them ogle her and talk about all the tings they'd like to do to her?"

"But..." I sighed. I couldn't even argue with that. I'd be pissed the fuck off about that shit. "I get it, but she could have at least told me that's how she felt."

"You know as well as I do she hates talking about her feelings." Liana sighed, picking up her phone. "I swear she acts like such a child sometimes. Things would go a lot smoother if she just said what was on her mind."

I chuckled, swiping m finger over the icing on my cake. "You not gon' give my bae too much." Liana only rolled her eyes at me. Licking the icing off my finger, I thought of Mariya. It's been a little over a week since I last talked to her, and as much as I hated too, I had to ask what was going on with her. Instagram only told so much. "What has been up with my baby?"

Liana halted her texting and game me an odd look, but quickly shook her head. "She's been good. I've been busy with my internship at the hospital so I haven't been able to hang with her lately..." She trailed off.

"What, Li?" I asked, twirling a strand of my hair. "What's with the look?"

I could see here hesitate for a moment. "Did she already tell you about her project?"

"That's what you were scared to ask about?" I chuckled, pulling my phone from purse. "Yeah, she did before we got to this point. She said it was a shadowing with some nigga." I mumbled, opening my Instagram app. Same ol' thirsty niggas blowing me up.

"Oh, really?" Liana inquired, eyes still on her phone. "I know how you get when it comes to sharing her. I'm surpised you didn't give ol' girl a hard time."

"Am I really that bad, Liana?"

"Uhhhhhh, yeah." She answered before bursting out in a fit of giggles. I couldn't help, but to join her. I knew she was right, but if you had a girlfriend like Mariya you'd be possessive too, right?

"Whateva, bitch. You know yo' ass would go crazy over Sean lil skinny behind. Remember that time you almost fuc-"

"Zip your lips, woman." She stated, interrupting me. "It was an accident."

"Accident my ass. Her head being shoved into a toilet was no damn accident." One thing about Liana was that she didn't play about her man. Let a bitch even say Sean cute, I could guarantee that bitch would not be seen again.

"Mhm. Shouldn't you be getting to your woman now?" She asked, effective changing the subject. "Better hurry before she decided to dump yo crazy ass."

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