37. I Love You

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It had been two days since that wrap up session and also two days since Yaya and I last spoke. A nigga was perfectly content with lettin' ha ass sulk some more, but I decided to take ma mama advice and be the mature one. Even though I was mad at ha ass, I knew us not talking to each other for days on end wasn't a good thing. Ma mama always told me ya should never go to bed mad and Yaya and I had done just that. A few too many times. This Light Bright bullshit was all over now so the only thing holding us back from each other was...each other.

It felt weird drivin' ova to ha place after not for so long. I thought about buyin' ha sumn, but I knew if I did she would think I was admitting to bein' wrong and I wasn't about to have that. I didn't bother to call or text to see if she was home so I guess I was lucky she was. Not like she would have answered if I did anyway. Once again, the walk up to her place seemed longer than normal, but for a different reason. Dread. I was dreading what I was bout to walk into. Sighing, I pulled the spare key she gave from ma pocket and unlocked ha door.

I closed the door behind me before stepping inside and leaving ma slides at the door. Mariya was probably in ha room, judging by the fact I didn't hear any movement in the living room. When I walked in, Mariya was sitting on the bed with her laptop in front of ha. She was typing something, but she finally looked up when I cleared ma throat. She gave me the once over, scrunched ha face up and then finally went back to ha typing. "'Hi, August." She said simply.

"Hi, Mariya." I greeted back. That cool greeting made a nigga feel some type of way, but I didn't speak on it. If we was gonna argue today, it wasn't bout to be ova' that shit. I watched her type a little longer before making my over and sittin' next to ha on the bed. "You did another video today?" I asked, squinting ma eyes at the screen.

"Mhm. I just finished it not too long ago. I'm just trying to edit it now." She replied, keeping ha eyes on the screen. Watching the playbacks, I noticed she had on a different shirt in the video than she had on right now. I also noticed she had her septum ring on in the video, but not right now. I always thought them shits was ugly on everybody, but Mariya was one of the few women I thought they looked good on. The video was a simple one compared to ha other ones. She was just trying on different lipsticks. She looked good in every single color. Either she was just that perfect or I was really in love with ha ass.

"Sometimes I think red doesn't look all that great on me." She mumbled.

"Nah. Ya look sexy as fuck with red lipstick." I said honestly. She didn't wear it a lot, but I actually wish she did more. It did something to me when she did.

"Thanks, but I know you didn't come here to discuss my makeup tutorials." She said with a small smile. She clicked some more things before shutting down her laptop and putting it aside. After pulling her tank top down some, she turned back around to face me. "I kind of have an idea about why you're here, but go ahead and tell me."

"We need to talk."

"You finally came to your senses and decided to apologize to me?"


"Then why are you here?" She asked with a frown.

"Mariya, don't start that shit." I grunted. "Don't sit up in hea' act like all this shit is ma fault. It's not. Ya ass has to take some of the blame."

"I didn't do anything wrong."


"August." She mimicked, rolling ha eyes. "Why is that so hard for you to get?"

"So, the fact that you neglected to tell me that you forgot to tell your ex about me is ma fault? The fact ya went and blabbed all about us to a bitch that don't even like you is ma fault? How, Mariya?!"

Her Love | August AlsinaWhere stories live. Discover now